(New) Love/Hate Thread

Yeah, song's up on the UK Spotify too, and the video is up on YouTube...

Also album pre-orders are up on the Napalm Records site. Looks pretty cool! Ordered a copy on vinyl, worked out pretty expensive with tax and shipping but fuck it...!
Love : Finished reading the last chapter of the story for Magic's newest set, Kaldheim. It was AWESOME.
Also love : Lucked out when checking Amazon and was able to buy an old-school Magic novel for WAAAAAAAY cheaper than normal. It got here today and is in super nice condition, to boot! :kickass:
Hate : Left work early yesterday because I felt like shit. Thankfully, I feel fine now and doesn't seem to be Covid. So that's nice.
Love: Apparently the old Evile website is still available for viewing and I found the diaries section. Neat to read about what had been going on at the time (I was a lurker back in 2009) and the nostalgia that came with it.
Hate: Matt's entries look a lot sadder now in retrospect. Just seems fairly normal until you get to the part where he says Mike's feeling sort of out of it. Then the next entry after that is in late November.
It's wild that you posted that because I was thinking just yesterday about how scary it was that Matt posted like, the day before Mike passed and that I was 100% sure those diaries were all gone
Love : Got a new phone. This is kind of a big deal as it only happens once every, like, five years or so. It's nice. It's so new that it can even play the mobile version of Magic the Gathering! I played it yesterday on lunch while I was at work and I was just like "This is nice." :lol:
Hate : Setting stuff up and downloading stuff and logging back into everything is a pain.
Also hate : Phones this new apparently don't have headphone jacks or SD cards slots anymore which kinda pisses me off.
Love: I beat Fallout 3 recently. The story is one of the best I've ever played in video games, it's amazing.
Hate: My computer didn't start up in the morning and made me late for work. Turns out the reason why was because I bought some RAM recently and didn't put it in correctly - I had the old sticks in ports 3-4 and new in ports 1-2 when it should've been ports 1-3 for one pair and 2-4 for the other. Embarrassing.

Also hate : Phones this new apparently don't have headphone jacks or SD cards slots anymore which kinda pisses me off.

Welcome to the new age Keenan. Headphone jacks don't exist here (I hate it too).
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The story lines and side quests for FO3 were awesome, especially the DLC for the Pitt and Operation Zeta. I wish FO4 would've focused less on settlement building and more on quests or more playable factions. Gunners should have been a faction you could join.
^Agreed on all counts. I think my favorite DLC was Point Lookout, though. That place was weird and creepy. As for Fallout 4, I like that fact that gameplay was a lot smoother, but settlements were really hit or miss. I also really didn't like the perk tree. I much prefer allocating skill points. Still a good game, though.

Love : Currently playing through Control for the first time. THIS GAME IS AMAZING.
Hate : Working a stupid schedule next week of almost exlusively closing shifts. Lame.
Man I fucking loved Fallout 3. Really gotta go through all of it again. As for Fallout 4, I really enjoy the game but it's hard to really call it a Fallout game per se

Also keenan, i'm like 80% through Control on pc? and oh man it fucking rules
IT TOTALLY DOES. It's really trippy and I'm not quite sure what the hell is going on most of the time, but everything about it is super interesting to me. I'm about to reach Dylan in the panopticon, I think is where I left off last night.

Love : Control, Katatonia, seeing my brother play BioShock Infinite for the first time, the fact that my other brother is reading Invincible for the first time
Hate : People. Just watching people while at work, both customers and coworkers, can tell you a lot about a person.
love: before like a month ago i had only ever seen 2 episode of south park (and played the first game they did because i got it for $5) and now i just finished season 17 and am replaying the first game. having a ton of fun
hate: sad, but whats different. also, not anxious but dreading thursday, because i'm getting up early on that day to try my best to get a new graphics card and i definitely anticipate it going terribly
Love: Looking forward to the new Evile album. Wondering if Napalm will get it out to me on or before the release date... or if they'll fail and I'll have to listen to it on Spotify for days before I actually have it in my hands...

Hate: I have to return to work on Friday... felt pressured into it (can't risk losing my job) and reluctantly agreed to it...

Absolutely dreading it to be honest, have basically enjoyed the best part of a year being paid to stay home... Most people would be delighted to finally get back out into the real world but...

Hate : People. Just watching people while at work, both customers and coworkers, can tell you a lot about a person.

Basically this.

Not looking forward to having to deal with people after not having to for so long. I'm afraid I've lost all interest in being sociable :lol:
Love : Started reading the Magic the Gathering novel The Thran after finally finding a cheap copy. It's really good so far.
Also love : Invincible starts on Amazon Prime in about a month. MASSIVE HYPE.
Hate : I almost had a PS5 TWICE this week. Failed both times. Shit is so stupid.
Hate: I'm going to have to go to the dentist. Haven't seen a dentist in over 10 years... and I'm dreading it. Probably going to need a lot of work done... not only do I find it all incredibly unpleasant, but it's fucking expensive too! Urgh.
I thought you had socialized medicine in the UK?

Love: New Evile album....and due to get my second covid vaccination this afternoon.
Hate: School district announced they are sending us back on a hybrid model starting April 6. So for the last 6-7 weeks we get to try something completely different. Also, if I am reading the schedule correctly I will only see each student in class one day a week so what is the fucking point? All those students complaining about virtual learning and whatnot better choose to come back to school on this hybrid model or quit their bitching.
I thought you had socialized medicine in the UK?

We do, which is brilliant. There's no fee to see a doctor, or visit a hospital on the NHS. NHS dentists however there are fees (though significantly less than it is to go private). My problem is I'm struggling to find an NHS dentist currently taking new patients. I contacted over 10 today to no avail (I'd have to wait around a month by the sounds of it). Looks like my options are either to bite the bullet and go private (and be seen straight away), or call 111 (the NHS helpline), exaggerate how much pain I'm in and see if they give me an emergency dentist appointment somewhere...

I'd probably receive much better treatment if I were to go private, but I'm not sure what to do to be honest...

Also, if I am reading the schedule correctly I will only see each student in class one day a week so what is the fucking point? All those students complaining about virtual learning and whatnot better choose to come back to school on this hybrid model or quit their bitching.

Yeah... Not sure I get that... Not to undermine you as a teacher but seeing them in person once a week doesn't seem like it'll make much of a difference?

What do you teach by the way? How old are the students?
I teach very little, haha...:rofl::erk:
I teach 8th grade History and Geography it focuses on the Eastern Hemisphere. Our standards just got changed so it is a clusterfuck...I don't have enough drinks in me to explain. Most of my students are 13 or 14. Illiteracy is a huge problem only eclipsed by apathy, but I do the best I can and fight the good fight every day.
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I can't deal with the 18 year olds I work with. I can only imagine how bad 13/14 year olds are. My condolences. :lol:

Hate : I'm in a pretty horrible mood right now because one of the managers at work that I was closest to had his last day on Friday. We as a staff just found out about it this morning. He wanted it to be kept top secret. No one was able to say goodbye. I worked with the man for SEVEN YEARS.
Oh man, that kind of sucks Keenan! I mean, I can understand he may not have wanted any fuss, but still... sucks. Is he someone you would've wanted to stay in contact with? I'd say you should get his number or whatever and hang out outside of work but, dunno what it's like over there but we still can't do that here :lol:

You'd think he'd at least tell the people he was closest to he was leaving...?! Odd.