(New) Love/Hate Thread

Like: Get paid tomorrow, ear infection and vertigo is GONE. So glad about that.
Hate: I don't have enough work and I can't start on quarter end stuff until next week. Sometimes it feels like I'm cheating a living at this job, but I also have to be fortunate that I have an easy, good paying job during the pandemic.

Hang in there Dark! Did you get Pfizer? Moderna? J and J?

Love: Might have actually gotten a new job- waiting on the official offer.

Hate: Not all that much-just have to run out the clock on the last two days of work before 75 days of summer vacation.

Considering how your previous post went, I'm glad you got a response back on one of the openings.

Love: second covid shot over with, hell yeah
Hate: Sore arm, SO. TIRED. cannot stress enough, I am so god damn tired

Good stuff, I got my first one over the weekend. Felt weird for a bit but at least I can go outside without worrying too much,
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Ooh, hoping for good news on your job offer there

And I got the Moderna shot! I feel okay today, tired still, arm is way more sore than last time but honestly i'm just glad I once again got no nausea symptoms. I'm excited for it to fully kick in two weeks from now so I can go see a movie or something. No idea when i'll be comfortable going into like a restaurant or something, but i'll go to the theater with a mask on just to be safe because I don't trust people at all still :lol:

Love: mass effect remaster
hate: the kitten we got a few months ago got fixed yesterday and i'm supposed to be watching him so he doesn't lick the section where they went in and i keep losing the bastard. I love Archie (his name), but fuck you, how do I keep losing this damn kitten???
Hopefully the job offer works out, Zero!

I also got the Moderna vaccine. I don't really know the difference between them aside from the fact that the J&J one gave some people blood clots or whatever. My second one is on the 13th. Can't wait until I can see my grandmother again. I haven't seen her since 2019. :(
I'm also excited to go to a local game store and play Magic with people other than my brothers for the first time. Not sure when that'll happen but I definitely wanna try it at least once.

Love : Finished NieR Replicant. RIP my save file. :(
Hate : Work drama. People suck and don't want to work. The end.
In the process of negotiating pay and benefits. Their initial offer is 20% less than what I currently earn.
Love: Summer vacation starts in about 4 hours! Heard from a friend that the cunt Principal of my school applied/interviewed for the Principal job at his high school. That bitch fucked the return up so bad here that she is looking for a fresh start. I hope that my resistance to her violation of policies and whistle blowing to her boss and the teachers' union played a small part in forcing her to seek a new job.

Hate: having to wait 4 hours to be released for the summer.
Love : Battlefield 6 announcement officially coming on the 9th. I really hope it doesn't pull a classic EA move of being terrible on launch only to be redeemed a few years later because I'm REALLY enjoying BF5 right now.
Also love : New Magic set spoilers look sick!
Hate : People who flood the mall on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. Like, what is it about a day dedicated to paying respects to military veterans that screams "Lets go to the mall!!". I don't get it.
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Oh, it'd be the same here. Any excuse for a sale / shopping spree.

Love: Days off work, lounging around listening to music through good headphones, nice weather here (eventually) ...even though I've spent the last three days indoors :lol:

Hate: Kyrie Irving (and not because he's black) ... also, on that topic, kind of love / hate that the Celtics' season is probably going to end tonight against the Nets. What without 3 of our best players I don't think we've stood much of a chance these playoffs... shame, but there's always next year...
Love: Maple Leafs getting smoked and all the hockey boomers get to seethe while I still get to cling to my 2019 Raptors win.
Hate: It's a loss to Montreal, but still.

Hate : People who flood the mall on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. Like, what is it about a day dedicated to paying respects to military veterans that screams "Lets go to the mall!!". I don't get it.

You know, when you put it like that, its pretty funny. Not the shit customers part, but still.

Hate: Kyrie Irving (and not because he's black) ... also, on that topic, kind of love / hate that the Celtics' season is probably going to end tonight against the Nets. What without 3 of our best players I don't think we've stood much of a chance these playoffs... shame, but there's always next year...

If it makes you feel better, I can come up with a few reasons to hate Kyrie. Because lemme tell you, I straight up don't like this dumb motherfucker and his hot takes.

Everything about the Eastern conference is a wash tbh. The only one worth watching was Hawks vs Knicks purely because Knicks fans went batshit crazy over making the playoffs for the first time in years. That and them taunting Trae Young is funny as hell.

The west had everything else. Doncic vs the Clippers, the Suns smoking Lebron and the Lakers, Dame going super saiyan against the Nugs but not enough to prevent the losses (CJ needs to go, fullstop). The only other thing I would've wanted at this point was a closer series between Jazz and the Grizz. Ja Morant is a sick player.
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Wow! so much communication here iam flabbergasted!
I remember this place was dead-silent a few years ago lol

Love: doing workout, being outside enjoying life generally.
New Evile album is running up and down.
Finally managed to keep a healthy life and also with less alcohol
Still got no job but that's useless anyway..

Hate: Aside from the situation in this world now not really much except
the area where i live is just completely retarded :puke:
Love : Destroying people in Battlefield V with tanks. Started off 19-1 in a match last night. Was alive in the same tank for 20+ minutes. Ended 25-5. SO much fun. :lol:
Hate : Getting destroyed in Battlefield V by ace pilots. How do people hit anything wth those things!? I can barely keep those things in the air and I see people doing strafing runs and killing entire squads. I don't get it.
Love : Destroying people in Battlefield V with tanks. Started off 19-1 in a match last night. Was alive in the same tank for 20+ minutes. Ended 25-5. SO much fun. :lol:
Hate : Getting destroyed in Battlefield V by ace pilots. How do people hit anything wth those things!? I can barely keep those things in the air and I see people doing strafing runs and killing entire squads. I don't get it.

That's hilarious, I JUST picked up Battlefield V with a friend on Steam. Been having a blast, and having honestly the same thought. Fuckin hate the pilots and honestly fuckin hate the tanks

Love: Been feelin really nice lately which is super nice :)
Hate: my mom just kinda bein a dick for no real particular reason
If it makes you feel better, I can come up with a few reasons to hate Kyrie. Because lemme tell you, I straight up don't like this dumb motherfucker and his hot takes.

Amen to that, man. He's one of my most hated players ever, I think.

Doesn't look like the Bucks are gonna stop 'em either, and I can't see Philly beating them either (I'm assuming Philly come back win the series)... Fingers crossed for the Suns! ...although it pains me to say, I reckon the Nets might win it all this year. Urgh.
Hate: Been waiting for this merch drop for a while...

"Due to licensing restrictions, we are unable to ship this item to your location" ... Damn Disney / Fox!!!

Anyone in the US or Canada fancy being a super star and ordering and forwarding one on to me!? :lol:
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Love : Finished Mass Effect 1 last night. I love the end of that game.
Also love : The Midnight, Symphony X, new Magic set comes out next week!
Hate : Not much. I'm off for a few days. Getting my second covid shot tomorrow.
Hate: The Uzumaki anime got pushed back to October of 2022, also it was so hard to get the amiibo's for the new Metroid game because god damn scalpers. at least i got em
Love : My sister had some connections and got us into Central Florida Comic-Con (she was working it) on Sunday. Never been to one of those before. It was CRAZY. Like, if this is what a "small" one of these things looks like, I'd be terrified of going to a "bigger" one. :lol: It was SO busy and there was SO much stuff. So cool.
Hate : Got my second covid shot after we left there and let me tell you that shit SUCKED. Shot itself hurt like hell. Arm hurt like hell and I rsn s fever for 36 hours. Absolutely horrible.
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Love: Euros so far have been good. Italy was great, shame about what happened to Eriksen tho.
Hate: France vs Germany yesterday wasn't very interesting. Outside of the Mbappe/Benzema offside, the game felt like it was going nowhere.


Nintendo really showed out this year huh. I know a number of people excited for Metroid and BOTW 2. I'm personally more excited for Kazuya in Smash, but the majority of that conversation with my friends usually has me asking if they wanna learn Korean Back Dashes and them telling me to either shut up or play Melee.

Hate: The Uzumaki anime got pushed back to October of 2022,

That Junji Ito manga? I remember reading it back in university and it remains one of the creepiest things I've ever read. Surprised its getting an adaptation, but with the trend of horror-centric works picking up, I can't be surprised.

Love : My sister had some connections and got us into Central Florida Comic-Con (she was working it) on Sunday. Never been to one of those before. It was CRAZY. Like, if this is what a "small" one of these things looks like, I'd be terrified of going to a "bigger" one. :lol: It was SO busy and there was SO much stuff. So cool.

Bullshit, how have you not gone to one of those already? That sounds like something right up your alley.

I've been to something similar in Toronto called Fan Expo and it's probably the biggest non-sporting event I've ever been too. So many people, so many things to see and do, it had something for EVERYONE. My only issue was that it felt a bit corporate for my tastes. Even though everyone was a big fan of whatever they enjoyed, I always felt that there was some pretext of sponsorship that made me feel like I had to spend something specifically to a certain company. I used to go to smaller western/japanese conventions here and had a better time because it felt more like a community was running it rather than a sterile company.

Shit, I kinda miss conventions now. Well, there's a lot more outdoor events I miss but my point still stands.
^Not really a fan of really large gatherings like that. That's why I've never gone. Plus, lots of weirdos. :lol: Concerts get a pass in this regard because (at least in my experience) nobody goes out of their way to talk to anyone. At conventions, people seemed to strike up conversations with anyone over anything. Which is cool and all, but again, lots of weirdos. :lol:

To be fair, I did really enjoy it after the initial shock wore off. Would probably go to more. Not any BIG ones, though. This one was crowded enough.
Nintendo really showed out this year huh. I know a number of people excited for Metroid and BOTW 2. I'm personally more excited for Kazuya in Smash, but the majority of that conversation with my friends usually has me asking if they wanna learn Korean Back Dashes and them telling me to either shut up or play Melee.

That Junji Ito manga? I remember reading it back in university and it remains one of the creepiest things I've ever read. Surprised its getting an adaptation, but with the trend of horror-centric works picking up, I can't be surprised.

I've never been a Zelda fan really, minus playing like 10 hours of BOTW which was decent. Enjoy watching speed runs of it and when friends play it but eh when it comes to playing it myself. And yeah, the Junji Ito manga. It's my favorite one from him so i'm real excited, and all the clips they've shown from it look really really really great. Just hate that it's been pushed back 500
Love: Accepted a job at the online school for next year. Couldn't accept the 20% pay cut to to go to the charter school.
Hate: Fucking heat wave...temps of 115 + the last couple days. Anything above 110 makes me feel sick when I go outside.
Yeah, I don't even know what I'd do in that heat. Florida heat is really bad with it's humidity and stuff but Vegas is a dry ass heat and I don't know how I'd function. :lol:

Love : Battlefield V shenanigans, synthwave, opening cool Magic cards from my latest booster pack box
Hate : Saw a car accident on the way home today. That shit was crazy.