(New) Love/Hate Thread

Love : Finished Disco Elysium last night. Incredible game. The ending I got was so satisfying. Definitely worth all the hype and awards it got.
Hate : Been in a generally bad mood for... like a month now? It seems to have no end in sight, either. :\
Love: Life, music and drinking some beer right now. Just enjoying the time I have without caring about problems in the future, past and presence
and it's awesome.

Hate: Was just blocked from Facebook today because i violated community standards again! WTF???!!
Anyone else had similar issues there here?
I've never had issues like that before!
it's absolutely ridiculous I wasn't logged in for a week or so and i didn't even post anything and then as i logged in
i just wrote something in a music-related group and i was just writing just for fun "Carni-whore" instead of Carnivore (the band!)
and they saw this as a violation of community standards!
Facebook is gone ridiculously a Police-state in it's own retarded realm seriously I don't give a shit about it anymore
it really gets on my nerves you can't really post anything about personal opinion anymore everything is totally controlled.
This sucks really but iam not often on Facebook anymore so that's for me not a big issue but still these times are really crazy.
^Agreed. You'll be much better off without it.

Love : Dream Theater, Battlefield V, I Hate Your Deck's Youtube channel
Hate : Working weekends. We were so bored last night that we ended up sweeping and changing lightbulbs. :lol: Thankfully, due to the fact that our stock room is almost literally empty, my manager gave me today off. :kickass:
^ Yeah i agree i think it's the best way to leave Facebook it's nonsense. Probably
i posted too much offensive stuff but it's my personal fucking opinion.
It's a total waste of time. I just have checked out my site iam now released from Facebook jail again.. how funny but
you'll never know when you're violating this retarded community standards again and that's enough for me.
I don't need this BS in my life.
Love: having fun with that new Alien game, got like most of a new song done, also loved that new Suicide Squad movie. That was fun

Hate: I’m still tryna get the album done and out by December and woof I don’t know how that’s gonna go
Love: Working from home is great!

Hate: The school I work at is the only one offering online learning in the Las Vegas Valley. Last year's enrollment was 450 this year we are over 7000 and shit is crazy. They used to be selective about who they let in and this year the seem to be accepting whoever applies. It is the third week of school and some of these students haven't showed up to one live meet or turned in one assignment. I accepted this job because it seemed like they had standards and now I am worried this year will become what last year looked like during virtual teaching.
Love : Lots of new music coming out these days
Hate : Have had a couple of covid scares over the past few days. Coworkers, sisters, friends... thankfully, none of them have actually had it but shit is getting ridiculous down here.
Dude, this delta variant is no joke. I have a family member who got covid back in May and he still has not regained his sense of taste and smell. I predict this fall and winter are going to be fucking brutal.
Multiple people I know have either contracted it or have been forced into quarantine in the past week because of it. Shit is insane. Nobody gives a fuck about other people's health. It astounds me on a daily basis.

Love : Previews for the new Magic set started today and they look sick.
Also love : New Iron Maiden tomorrow!!
Hate : Idiots.
love: bought fallout 76 since it was uh... bad at launch and ive put 80 hours into it since i bought it a week ago
hate: its still a bit uh buggy but im still mostly havin fun :)
^I've gone back to that game a few times since launch. It definitely has gotten better... but it still runs like crap. Does it seem to run better on PS5?

Love : Less than two weeks until Deathloop!
Hate : See previous post.
Hate: Fuck Facebook and Community standards!! I've been blocked again for posting i would kill Zuckerberg with a Sledgehammer lol but it was just a joke on a ridculous post nobody fucking cares about. Best decision ever to leave it. Ya know i left it but still i sometimes i check from time to time...

Love: Enjoying everything apart from the artificial world. FUCK ALL.
^I've gone back to that game a few times since launch. It definitely has gotten better... but it still runs like crap. Does it seem to run better on PS5?

I repurchased it on PC, but I did redownload it on my PS5 before I decided to switch to playing it on PC and yeah it runs barely any better. There’s no upgrade so it just runs at 30fps still
I'm not sure I can play that game anymore after getting used to how smooth games run on the PS5. If Bethesda puts out a PS5 update I might think about going back to it. Doubt that'll happen, though, with them being Microsoft exclusive and all. :(

Love : ADAM COLE AND BRYAN DANIELSON IN AEW!? All Out was an insane pay-per-view.
Hate : The fact that I just remembered that Bethesda is Microsoft exclusive :(
Ugh. Sorry to hear that, Podgie. Moving SUCKS.

Love : Deathloop. Great game all around.
Also love : Battlefield 2042 beta next week. Hope it's as good as I'm expecting it to be!
Hate : My coworkers complete lack of fucks they give about basically everything.
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Love: On a short weekend vacation in Aurora, Illinois for a family wedding. Nice to get a way for a few days.

Hate: My favorite NFL team this year is awful. After 3 games I am ready to put the jersey away for the season and wait until next year.