(New) Love/Hate Thread

It might be a 'you had to be there' moment, but at work the other morning, this one chick said, "you always smell really good... oh wait. That's really creepy." As someone who is usually the creepy guy, I found it really funny.
Love: Doom in June Festival is Saturday. :kickass: Last full day of school/teaching is tomorrow. I had a nice date last night that seemed to go well.

Hate: a couple of my classes - I am really happy that I only have to see them two more times.
Love : BioShock Infinite. Even though 1999 mode is pretty hard at some points, it's overall difficulty is blown out of proportion. Handyman are near impossible to kill though. :lol:
Also love : Death, Obscura, Payday : The Heist
Hate : That today is gonna be a loooooong day
LOVE : Green Lantern #20. What an incredible issue. So much awesome stuff happened. One of the best issues of this year!
Also love : Green Lantern Corps #20, Green Lantern New Guardians #20, Red Lanterns #20
Hate : Hitting a roadblock. A pretty massive one. BUT. I feel much better about said roadblock after doing other things relating to said roadblock.
Love: Manilla Road's performance at Doom in June - fucking amazing. Look up the song Cage of Mirrors on youtube! The song is as epic as Dante's Inferno or Travel in Stygian by Iced Earth, or even Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Iron Maiden.

Hate: spent too much money on CDs this weekend. :o
Love: I'm at Eastern New Mexico University to spend a couple of days guest excavating the "Blackwater Draw" site. This is awesome for two reasons: 1, it's called Blackwater. and 2, they have fucking mammoth kills here. Yes, I mean those great big hairy elephants. SO AWESOME.

Hate: it seems to be a dry county.
Hate : That I had a dream that I woke up late and just couldn't get going on time and was late for work by like an hour. Then I woke up. Late and was still moving pretty slow, but was glad it was just a dream. Then I was late by like a half hour. THEN MY ALARM WENT OFF. I dreamed I was having a dream. I'm so confused right now. :lol:
Love : Got Evile's new album! The red vinyl looks incredible and my name is in the credits. :p
Also love : Got Buckethead's Pike 14. The cover was hand drawn. :lol:
Hate : That dream from last night still making me question reality.

Edit : I just noticed that my red vinyl has the words "Skull awaits your soul" scribbled on it near the middle. Does anyone else have this?!
Love : Got Evile's new album! The red vinyl looks incredible and my name is in the credits. :p
Also love : Got Buckethead's Pike 14. The cover was hand drawn. :lol:
Hate : That dream from last night still making me question reality.

Edit : I just noticed that my red vinyl has the words "Skull awaits your soul" scribbled on it near the middle. Does anyone else have this?!

Hate: That Keenan has his red vinyl and I don't. :bah:
Love : God is an Astronaut, Buckethead's Pike 14
Kinda love : Skull
Hate : The lack of fucks people give when it comes to actually working.