Love : The Last of Us
Hate : Dreams. I had like four last night and they were all horrible.
Also hate : Thunderstorms that decide to roll through and wake me up at 3am.
Bro you can pick up a PSone for like... $10 now There's nothing to stop you unless you're so poor that you're eating baked bean sandwiches out of somebody's bin.
Really? That cheap now? I remember when they were like.... Whatever amount they were back in the day.
Maybe I should spend more time trying to find $10 rather than eating these goddamn bean sandwiches I keep finding.
Love/Shocked: New Annihilator stuff!? Oh god, how's it gonna stack up against the s/t...
N/A: The reworks... I see some good choices like Ultra Motion, Set The World On Fire, maybe W.T.Y.D., but based on Padden's style and Waters' new ideas, this could either blow the FUCK up or work EXTREMELY nicely.
Love : The Last of Us, new James LaBrie single, DayZ, Captain America : Castaway in Dimension Z Vol. 1
Suprisingly like alot : The Deadpool game. Some parts are god damn genius.
Hate : Working all weekend. It's gonna be busy as hell.
Love: Virus gig kicked ass
Hate: Not a great many people there, literally next to nobody at the Hull show (we played to five people... seriously) and Verm's string broke less than one full song in, and I've caught a really, REALLY bad chest infection from somebody at the Virus show so I'm feeling fucking dreadful.
Absolutely LOVE: 44. Caliber Game Surgery logo is coming along splondubulously Recording starts shortly (we keep getting sidetracked), we've got our lists typed up for singular, versus and co-op playthroughs alongside a list of guests we want (read: will kidnap and force to appear on the show) and it's just... it's just fucking awesome.
Seems I did so unknowingly! I've been playing Crash Bandicoot 3 for five hour to keep my mind off it and now I feel... well, not FINE but a fucksight better. Odd.