Oh, I beat it that same day. A friend came over with his PS3 and I beat the whole thing in one sitting. Not to spoil it if other people scrolling this thread haven't played it, but in the end I think he did the right thing.
I also haven't been able to stop thinking about it, I even bought that DLC that came with the pre-order because I wanted the soundtrack, which is also awesome
Love: That my Jak and Daxter HD collection showed up, The Last Of Us, that after I nearly bricked my iPhone last night I fixed it
Hate: That the only way to fix it was to let go of my App data and the notes i've had for years (At least until September, then I can get it back), I ordered that PS3 and it has expedited shipping but the guy hasn't shipped it yet 5 or so days after I payed....
PM'd for further conversation.

Love : Getting in a groove in Last of Us online and winning by a large margin for a good hour or two.
Hate : Overnight shift starting soon.