(New) Love/Hate Thread

N/A: Prom went decently. Should've been a tad bit more assertive though.
Love: The afterparty, and the drinking.
Don't Like: How quickly I got drunk. Not because I'm a lightweight (or maybe I am; africans often have low inebriation limits) but because I decided it would be smart to down a beer and four shots in 30 seconds. Then as soon as we left for the park at 4/5 in the morning, I wouldn't shut the fuck up as I quickly found out I'm one of those paranoid questioning drunks. And due to lots of headbanging, I've got whiplash.
N/A: The hangover I got wasn't that severe. Bonus.

Okay, that should probably be the last of my stupid teenager posts. :lol: Getting sick of them myself.

EDIT: On a sillier note, that drinking binge made me like Skull more now.
love: Holiday!
Don't really like yet: new Amon Amarth album. It's not really impressing me so far. I really like Blood Eagle, and some other songs have their moments. The song ''Hel'' however.... wtf is that?
LOVE : The Last of Us. Finished it last night and holy crap, this is one of my favorite games ever.
Hate : Nothing at the moment.
love: The show yesterday. Some really cool bands. Rezet was just awesome.
The other bands all ruled. There were 2 guys with Demolition Hammer shirt haha. I thought it was kind of a partner look. One of em wore an Epidemic of Violence one! I search for this shirt for along time and it's almost impossible to find. Goddamn. It was all perfect anyway. Those young Thrash bands were really levels better than Heathen. :kickass:

Hate: Train Station security who forced me to move from my sleeping place if I don't buy a ticket you cannot stay there?? Is this a state of freedom? I can do whatever the fuck I want if I behave calm and don't disturb anyone. This is so ridiculous..
Also this girl at the show smeared my face full of black coal! :lol: I didn't know what the reason for this was. For her it was fun but not for me. I had everywhere in my face..
AND: Hangover :Smug:
Why the hell would you rub coal all over someone's face? That's stupid.

Love : The Last of Us, Joe the Barbarian, Dream Theater
Hate : People who are obscenely high levels in Last of US online
Hate: I really have to get this out. In the time I've spent wandering around the country for work, people would ask me where I call home, and I'd tell them Boone, North Carolina. I always knew that whenever I needed to, I could always drive back up into my mountains, step through the front door at the house where I lived in college, and suddenly I'd be home. Since I've been in the Southwest, most of my friends have moved out, which I knew about. But today I went up to see the place. There's only one of the guys I know still living there, and he's miserable. There's trash everywhere from the one other random guy (who isn't even a student) who is living there, the place smells like dog piss or something and when I walked into the room that two of my best friends used to live in, I found a used condom on the floor. The mountains are still beautiful, but my home is fucking gone. I feel like an orphan whose parents' gravestone has been pissed and fucked on.
Love: THE LAST OF US IS SO PERFECT. I also got a PS3 and so far I have Crysis 1, and month of Playstation+ and Jake And Daxter HD. Another upside is that I didn't have to sell my Xbox 360 like I thought I would.

Hate: Nothing that I can really think of right now
Joel is a dick.

That's why he's so perfect. :lol:

A word of caution though, if you have not finished it, stay the hell off the internet, or at the very least, be extremely careful where you go. Spoilers are everywhere!

Love : The Last of Us and it's incredible music, Daredevil Ultimate Collection by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev Vol. 2.
Hate : A lot of things.
I don't have a PS3 so I had to watch a Let's Play of it on youtube. :/ The story of the game is pretty much perfect but I feel like I hated every single adult :lol:

Also didn't like the ending very much. It's excellent as far as a story goes but I was really hoping Joel would make a different choice at the end.
It's exactly what I expected him to do, honestly. That's why I loved the ending. Enough of that until Thatguy beats it though. :lol:
Love: Got my marks. Met my university's requirements to enter.
Also Love: How did I not figure it out? Gama Bomb's Citizen Brain is a thinly veiled parody to Citizen Kane. That's pretty cool.
Isn't it? How far into the game are you?

Oh, I beat it that same day. A friend came over with his PS3 and I beat the whole thing in one sitting. Not to spoil it if other people scrolling this thread haven't played it, but in the end I think he did the right thing.
I also haven't been able to stop thinking about it, I even bought that DLC that came with the pre-order because I wanted the soundtrack, which is also awesome :lol:

Love: That my Jak and Daxter HD collection showed up, The Last Of Us, that after I nearly bricked my iPhone last night I fixed it
Hate: That the only way to fix it was to let go of my App data and the notes i've had for years (At least until September, then I can get it back), I ordered that PS3 and it has expedited shipping but the guy hasn't shipped it yet 5 or so days after I payed....