N/A: Prom went decently. Should've been a tad bit more assertive though.
Love: The afterparty, and the drinking.
Don't Like: How quickly I got drunk. Not because I'm a lightweight (or maybe I am; africans often have low inebriation limits) but because I decided it would be smart to down a beer and four shots in 30 seconds. Then as soon as we left for the park at 4/5 in the morning, I wouldn't shut the fuck up as I quickly found out I'm one of those paranoid questioning drunks. And due to lots of headbanging, I've got whiplash.
N/A: The hangover I got wasn't that severe. Bonus.
Okay, that should probably be the last of my stupid teenager posts.
Getting sick of them myself.
EDIT: On a sillier note, that drinking binge made me like Skull more now.
Love: The afterparty, and the drinking.
Don't Like: How quickly I got drunk. Not because I'm a lightweight (or maybe I am; africans often have low inebriation limits) but because I decided it would be smart to down a beer and four shots in 30 seconds. Then as soon as we left for the park at 4/5 in the morning, I wouldn't shut the fuck up as I quickly found out I'm one of those paranoid questioning drunks. And due to lots of headbanging, I've got whiplash.
N/A: The hangover I got wasn't that severe. Bonus.
Okay, that should probably be the last of my stupid teenager posts.

EDIT: On a sillier note, that drinking binge made me like Skull more now.