(New) Love/Hate Thread

Hate: My weekly/biweekly mood relapse. I've been fantasising about ending my life every day. I even dreamt I stepped out in front of a speeding car the other night. Go through my little phase of putting crazy facebook statuses up then deleting them, and just feeling empty. "What's the point" and all that...
12 hours. It's 6:52pm :lol:

Oh no, it was seven hours. :lol: I went to sleep at 5pm and woke up at midnight. Sleeping pattern be damned.

Love : Hawkeye, Daredevil : Born Again, The Last of Us soundtrack, GTAV
Hate : Humanity (still)
HATE: Woke up just now, thinking that my next exam was in 10 minutes.
N/A: Realizing I only had one exam today, and that it was at eight in the morning. Thank god I didn't call the cab company.
Love : Trace Bundy and Erik Mongrain, comics
Hate : People who ask me questions with obvious answers
Love : Erik Mongrain, Trace Bundy, Praxis, comics, setting up Christmas decorations
Hate : That these forums are dead and that I met my sister's boyfriend last night
Well, I'm glad we all agree. :lol:

Love : RASL. A strange comic about Nikola Telsa, time travel and alternate realities.
Hate : The usual shit
Fuckin' love: Havok live yesterday!!!! :kickass:
They totally devastated and put up a great show. I was talking to the band members aswell! At first I was standing outside (way too early) and asked the merch guy if he would let me in and he told me he can open the door for me so I could get my shit before it sells out but then he was abit pissed because I went in..well but the other guys of Havok are just one of the most friendly guys ever. Talked to the Bass player too.. I think it was just perfect and I've got the drum stick from the Drummer hehe. The venue was also really cool and Savage Messiah kicked massive ass aswell. Talked to em also after the show and picked up their copy..

Hate: massive hangover and got seizured by the Police 3 times. Fuckin bastards..I think it was mainly because I looked suspicious for them.
Three times?! :lol:

Love : Superman : Earth One Vol. 1. I want to get around to re-reading volume two at some point soon as well.
Hate : Working overnight tomorrow, but that might not be all that bad
well to be more precise it were Security Guards from the train station but it's just another part of the Police. They checked me and always asking for the ticket.
I was just sleeping (head down) and then the Police officer waking me up and standing before me - just imagine that!

The third time I was controlled was the most dangerous one because they wanted to see my passport (which run out) and then they called the Police station and checked my name - but to my luck again nothing happened. The third time they didn't even looked like cops - just covered up in Civil-look.
It was nothing really serious but we really live in a state of Control.
Well at least nothing bad happened. Haha.

Love : Metallica played a show in Antarctica. I dunno about you guys, but I think that's kind of awesome.
Hate : They didn't play Trapped Under Ice!