(New) Love/Hate Thread

I love Christmas....

Love : Trace Bundy, Erik Mongrain, Invincible Universe
Hate : Work related bullshit
I'm indifferent about christmas. Yeah, there's the gift stuff and the holiday spirit and the vacation time, but on the other hand combine having it be shoved in your face along with having to visit people you don't wanna see (a situation I barely avoided this year) and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Point being, christmas is k.

Like: My cousin lent me GTA V. Also, a month of dicking around.
Don't Like: Kinda hungry.
So I'm one of the few people on here who enjoys Christmas? You guys disappoint me. :lol:

Love : Buckethead, Trace Bundy, Gargoyle, Guarding the Globe, Super Dinosaur
Hate : Having a cold. I've been in "OH GOD. I'M ABOUT TO SNEEZE. EVERYONE LOOK OUT!" mode since like 8pm last night and I've yet to actually sneeze. It's a horrible feeling.
Love : Metallica played a show in Antarctica. I dunno about you guys, but I think that's kind of awesome.
Hate : They didn't play Trapped Under Ice!

No trapped under ice? Really? :lol: I guess there wasn't time in the setlist with all those gems from the Black Album they played. :lol:

Havok does rock live! I am very fortunate that they played Vegas three times this year! :headbang:

Love: Only one more week of school/work until holiday break. University classes are done for the semester. Looks like I earned A's in both classes. :headbang:
Hate: Been sick with a horrible cold/strep throat. I tried to fight it with middle class medicine, but no luck so was forced to see a doctor and took two sick days this week.
Fucking LOVE: I just got an email out of the blue about joing an old school death metal band as a vocalist! And they DIDN'T confuse me with Dingram Snr! Holy shit!
Hate/Unsure: They're based in Cumbria. Hmmmm. Still, no opportunity should go wasted, right?
Hate: "Hey there, Influenza! Haven't seen you in a while, how's it going? You've changed, I'd go as far as saying you've mutated completely! Nice to see you doing well this year, it's been tough for everyone... Oh you want to infect me? Oh, you silly rascal! I've got to work tomorrow so I think that's enough for now... No? Oh c'mon, you know I have a presentation coming up, can't you just let me finish it and then infect me? That'd be useful. No? Oh well..."
Love : DayZ standalone is out. I downloaded that shit as fast as I fucking could. :lol:
Also love : Mighty Avengers, various other comics, Praxis,
Hate : That I slept like shit and had a horrible nightmare, but this is the same stuff that happens most every night, sooo...
Haven't been on here in a while, have to make sure I get on here more. What's been going on, people? Seriously people, I need details because i've missed coming on here!

Love: My girlfriend had her iPod stolen a few months ago but i've managed to get her the same exact model iPod for Christmas! Also I read all the Walking Dead comics and they're pretty great. There's a lot of stuff, but that's all that comes to mind at the moment.

Hate: The screen on the iPod is destroyed and I have to replace it but I haven't gotten around to it and i'm so fucked because Christmas is so soon. I need to stop being so lazy and get it fixed. Also worried that the card I got her mom won't show up in the mail on time.