Love: My PS4. Thing is totally 10/10
Hate: Waiting for more games to come out for it.
That's why I waited on buying one.Come March, however.... totally getting inFamous, MGS : Ground Zeroes, Thief and probably Killzone.
I think it's worth it to have it now! The games I have for it at the moment are pretty fun
On the other hand, also love: Announcing my first video soon, WOOT
The one thing Xbone has over PS4 is Killer Instinct. If that were to be available for PS4 (which is NEVER) then the PS4 would be a clear winner; however, Microsoft giving people something that they've been begging for since 1996 has given them a pretty big edge. Not to mention the fact that a majority of the games I'd want to play are multiplatform, so I could enjoy Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV on Xbone between ultra combos
Seriously, KI is that big of a dealbreaker for someone such as myself.
Yeah, but I can buy most of those games for the system I already have. Besides, BF4 doesn't even work.(Or so I've heard.)
wait what videos what
I watched some gameplay of it, and it looked only okay to me. There's like 5 characters... where are the rest? I do want to get an Xbox One eventually, the watered down KI remake just isn't enough for me.s
Right here, fine sir
The entire game's platform is based on downloadable content. I was put off at first, but it's a genius idea; they can constantly update the game, fix balance issues and bugs without having to release Hyper Killer Instinct III Deluxe Arcade Tournament Edition every seven months. Season 1 has launched with 8 characters, but two of them are being released over the next three months along with the arcade and story modes. Season two will have another eight (probably near the end of 2014) and extra modes, tweaks, stages and so on and so forth. Basically, they're never going to make a second game because they intend for KI2013 to be constantly updated throughout the Xbone's lifespan, which I think is a tremendous idea. At least they're not doing a Capcom and re-releasing the same game with a couple of haphazard extra characters ported from another title and some half-assed balance tweaks that break the game even further so that Capcom can re-release the game half a year later with the same bullshit formula.
It's also worth mentioning that KI was developed in under a year, which is one reason why it's still rather bare bones; Microsoft were rushing Double Helix to get it out as a launch title. Gotta say, I was very angry that so many websites didn't bother mentioning the game's platform and gave it shit for being so bare-bones with no mention of the upcoming slew of stuff that's planned.
I'm not surprised. Again, for some reason the media has decided to completely ignore the platform in the reviews, which is baffling to me; it's not just another case of DLC, the entire game is built around that. Of course it's going to be bare-bones when you're reviewing the very first build, you idiots![]()
Well thanks for explaining that to meHopefully Cinder makes it into the game eventually....
Cinder has been half confirmed; They mentioned that he was going to be in the game, but they haven't officially announced him yet. Chances are he'll be one of the first reveals for Season 2