Basically what's happened is following my medical assessment with the DWP I scored 0 points (the required score is 15!). So, even though my doc's just given me a note deeming me unfit for work for another 6 weeks, the computer says no. I had a chat with a pretty reasonable woman who essentially said if you appeal you're going to lose out on money etc etc. and I just can't be jeffed with the stress - so I've signed off the sick and made an appointment and the job centre to claim JSA. Which is Monday morning, before my dentist appointment (one extraction and a filling, woop...) ... so yeah, I'm going to have to sort my shit out and do something with my life shortly.
Hoping my lawyer gets back to me soon and I can wrap up my claim with BA, get paid off then I can leave this miserable place and do something "fun" ... 'cause last year sucked major ass for me, and this year's started off just as whack.
The End
Love: Morning metal coffee times.
Hate: Logging into facebook and seeing photos my beautiful ex's been tagged in.