(New) Love/Hate Thread

Correction; Metal Gear Solid 1 - 3 are the best things to happen ever. After Snatcher.

Yeah, but MGS4 too though. Damn I love that game.

But the story to MGS2 was just the best. Such a mind fuck. I'm still discovering new shit i've never noticed before every year
I love Metal Gear. I had Otacon as my PS3 avatar for like ever. I even bought the HD collection even though I had the MGS Essentials for the PS2.

I can't wait to play MGSV : Ground Zeroes in a few months. Sure, it'll be weird to play as Snake being voiced by someone else, but whatever, I'm sure I'll like nontheless.

I think my favorite is probably MGS3 still. MGS4 was god damn great too though, especially the ending.
I can't wait to play MGSV : Ground Zeroes in a few months. Sure, it'll be weird to play as Snake being voiced by someone else, but whatever, I'm sure I'll like nontheless.

I've loved Kiefer Sutherland since I started watching 24 when I was a kid, so it'll be cool to see how he does in MGS.
I only had the pleasure of playing two MGS games; Portable Ops Plus for the PSP and the HD collection for the Xbox. My bro finished 2 and 3, but I usually stuck with Portable Ops. Good games.
Love: Feeling pretty happy... which is odd because,
Hate: Had my benefits cut. Either need to go through a grim appeal process, or Enter The Grave/Job Centre of Doom

URGH, Mondays.
Because nothing good can happen to anyone on here. We've been through this before, Dave. :lol: :(

Love : X-Men : Supernovas
Not sure : Michael Douglas as Hank Pym? I love you, Marvel, but... what?
Hate : Lots of things
Because nothing good can happen to anyone on here. We've been through this before, Dave. :lol: :(

I always seem to take a break from this place right as good stuff is happening to everyone, and then I come back and everything's shit again :lol:

Love: The new Alien game actually looks kickass. Finally, a damn Alien game based off the true classic Alien, and not Aliens
Hate: Headaches
Love : Not a whole damn lot, because....
Hate : Today's shipment is huge (300+ boxes). This usually means a "Work outside and bust your ass for six hours" kind of day. BUT. The biggest fucking thunderstorm I've ever seen is going to hit our area in an hour. In other words, today is going to be absolutely horrendous.
Basically what's happened is following my medical assessment with the DWP I scored 0 points (the required score is 15!). So, even though my doc's just given me a note deeming me unfit for work for another 6 weeks, the computer says no. I had a chat with a pretty reasonable woman who essentially said if you appeal you're going to lose out on money etc etc. and I just can't be jeffed with the stress - so I've signed off the sick and made an appointment and the job centre to claim JSA. Which is Monday morning, before my dentist appointment (one extraction and a filling, woop...) ... so yeah, I'm going to have to sort my shit out and do something with my life shortly.

Hoping my lawyer gets back to me soon and I can wrap up my claim with BA, get paid off then I can leave this miserable place and do something "fun" ... 'cause last year sucked major ass for me, and this year's started off just as whack.

The End

Love: Morning metal coffee times.
Hate: Logging into facebook and seeing photos my beautiful ex's been tagged in.
Cheer up, Podgie! Something good will happen soon. Hopefully. :(

Love : Pagan's Mind, DayZ, off all weekend
Hate : The stress of this week. Good lord.
Love: Three day weekend starts with an Amon Amarth and Skeletonwitch show tonight!
Hate: Spent too much at X-mas so my credit card bill is not pretty. Grad classes start next week. Wednesdays and Thursday are going to suck for the next four months.
Love/Hate: Got a blister from playing Killer Instinct after finally managing to bust out some Ultra Combos :D Sadly, I'm now addicted to the game again and can't play for a while unti lthis fucking huge blister heals. Shit.