new nevermore...

Shadows Skulk said:
Sanctuary is good, I listen to Battle Angels whenever I want to hear crazy rod-up-the-ass high vocals

That song is pretty insane...and he can't do that shit anymore as far as I know. I like Refuge Denied the best., i agree that warrel cant nail those extremely high vocals anymore. i have live-footage from the old sanctuary days where he hits the notes exactly....and he never hit the high vocals in i disintegrate when i heard it live
Wolftribe said:
that was a fake british accent

Where is Warrel from anyway? He really dosen't sound like he's from Seattle, let alone America.

Thats was a real British accent
i actually ran into warrell and loomis at a bar across from the venue last time i saw them tour, and warrell definitely doesnt have an accent, but often talks goofy. i think its mainly because hes always drunk. :p
NineFeetUnderground said:
i actually ran into warrell and loomis at a bar across from the venue last time i saw them tour, and warrell definitely doesnt have an accent, but often talks goofy. i think its mainly because hes always drunk. :p

he was pretty drunk when I saw them open for Dimmu Borgir...and he was talking kinda goofy haha. "this song is thhrash oneah! I want to see moving boddiezzz!! Push somebodaayy!!"
yup.besides children of bodom right now are like a deranged version of Europe or Pet Shop Boys on speed.
hey what do you think of agalloch and black label society now that were talking bout nevermore and american metal
Fedestein said:
yup.besides children of bodom right now are like a deranged version of Europe or Pet Shop Boys on speed.

i think i peed a little from laughing so hard at that line. :grin:

as for agalloch, i think theyre pretty good...and fairly unique for an american metal act. as for black label society...that band can shampoo my crotch. :p
Dreadful said:
he was pretty drunk when I saw them open for Dimmu Borgir...and he was talking kinda goofy haha. "this song is thhrash oneah! I want to see moving boddiezzz!! Push somebodaayy!!"

At the LA HOB?

I was there

It was on Thanksgiving and he was talking about how we were celebrating "killing their (the Indians') children and raping their women"
Shadows Skulk said:
At the LA HOB?

I was there

It was on Thanksgiving and he was talking about how we were celebrating "killing their (the Indians') children and raping their women"

haha...there were two dates for that. I saw the one on the 26th, the day before thanksgiving. Good show.
synergy said:
My only problem with Alexi Laiho is that he's complete fucking moron...I was reading his interview in the latest Guitar World and somewhere along the lines he mentioned how much Dream Theatre sucked because they play their instruments too perfectly and dont make enough mistakes..

I'm going to go to the grocery store in a couple minutes. I'll take a peak at guitar world. If he did say that he's a fucking douchebag.

Laiho couldn't hold the jock of anyone in DT. (And i'm sure he'd love to) :tickled: