New Opeth fan.

Buy any of these next:
Orchid (old line-up and awesome)
Morningrise (old line-up and awesome)
My Arms, Your Hearse (current line-up and awesome--oh, edit, sorry--this is current line-up minus the bassist. Vocalist and guitarist Mikael does bass here)
Still Life (current line-up and awesome.....)
.....and so on

Save these for later:
If you like BWP so much, I would recommend Still Life next. Orchid and Morningrise are the most rewarding, and imo the best of the band. However, they take a long time to get into for those who start up with BWP. So yeah, get Still Life... or My Arms, Your Hearse. Not quite in the same vein as BWP, but awesome nonetheless, and easy to enjoy.
I would also recommend more Opeth but if you want some more good death style metal go for Carcass "Heartwork" or "Necroticism-Descanting the Insalubrious" or one of the Death albums - "Leprsoy" and "Human" are my favourites but "Symbolic" or "Individual Thought Patterns" are more like Opeth.
Opeth aren't really "death metal". They're kind of subgenreless, but I think they have more in common with black metal, besides the vocals and a good percentage of the riffs.

But to the point, get Still Life. Morningrise would be nice too. It's pretty different but it's good music, and not hard to get into. Assorted bands to check out if you like BWP (just off the top of my head, mostly not death metal): Novembre, Death's later stuff, Enslaved's later stuff, Madder Mortem, Isis (Celestial and Oceanic).
you can start with buying all of the other opeth albums in this order

1 - still life
2 - my arms your hearse
3 - deliverance
4 - orchid
5 - morningrise
6 - damnation (would be higher, but is not death metal)

my other favorite death metal bands are Cryptopsy, Morbid Angel, and Decapitated......they all have something special about them
You should also try Edge Of Sanity which Mikael did a guest appearance on Crimson album. If you want to hear some more brutal stuff try Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Cryptopsy, Disgorge, Deeds Of Flesh, Kataklysm, Sinister, Cenotaph and Malevolent Creation...
I introduced all my friends to opeth, and they all purchaced deliverance first, and now own all the albums. i think anything after morningrise is good to start off with. morningrise and orchid, as DoReMi stated, are a little harder to get into as a new fan of the band.
Blackwater park is my fav album
opeth is more "progressive" metal arent they?
i hate labelling shit...
but it isnt death metal

how could u hate death metal when u have "melodic/death metal"???
Arch Enemy
In Flames
At the Gates
and if you want good pure death metal check out
Psycroptic (i bet no one's heard of em cuz they r from australia, tasmania which is this tiny lil island in australia but check em out!! and lemme know what u think of psycroptic
DoAsISayNotAsIDo said:
You should also try Edge Of Sanity which Mikael did a guest appearance on Crimson album. If you want to hear some more brutal stuff try Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Cryptopsy, Disgorge, Deeds Of Flesh, Kataklysm, Sinister, Cenotaph and Malevolent Creation...

Hey man, it was quite some time since I saw you when the official IF board was closed.
good to see that more and more people are gettin into the band. Opeth is really a one of a kind band that in my opinion keeps raising the bar on how to make a heavy metal album. enjoy your purchase, and dive deeper into the band that is OPETH. trust me, there will be NO REGRETS.