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A: Darth Vader!

Q: Dark Tranquillity rule or what?
A: I average about 8 hours per day.

Q: Do you enjoy sleeping?
a: i *heart* sleeping. especially when i'm depressed or otherwise off-kilter.

q: do you enjoy the sun, or are you more of the doom-and-gloom bad weather type?

Edit: oh, rusty, about this:

rusty said:
It makes sense, I just wondered if you'd entered a stage where you wanted to be more important than anything else.

So, which US senator are you in love with?

:lol: :lol: mad as it may seem, i'm not in love with any US senator atm and don't think will be anytime soon. and that's not out of racism against Americans: i'm not even in love with any national senator. i just found out (in the middle of a heartbeat, lalalalala) that some things don't happen and if they happen they're just completely different from what you thought - for example, you never happen to meet any US senator in a VIP lounge in some airport, get his attention because you're a young woman who is a weird sight in a VIP lounge, fall in love, and have lovely kids. maybe you actually do come across the senator, but he's going to read his newspaper, make some tea and care not a single bit about you. or you do come across him and might have sex, eventhough this never happened to me specifically - but there's never going to be, say, a conversation.
A: I enjoy the sun more, although this summer will be the most depressing since... ever :cry:

Q: Not that it would be any of our business, but what do you think happened to hyena? :p
a: i can assure you, absolutely nothing, and i have it on good source. actually, it's exactly the nothingness that prompted the reflection.

q: same, because i wouldn't want to deprive others of the possibility of expressing their opinions, after all i might be wrong. :p
a: fighting with my parents over the phone yesterday.

q: same.

@taliesin: he, he, he. :grin:
A: Special someone not remembering my birthday. :(

Q: You?
A: Haha. I never heard that type of question before. :) Hmmm. Sum of the parts.

Q: Ever fired a real gun or firearm before?
A: I guess if they didn't exist war would be messier but more to the point. Definately make the streets a safer place Id say.

Q: If you had the oppotunity to fire a real gun in to an open space or at a target, would you take the oppotunity? if yes: How do you think firing it would make you feel? If no: Why not?
A: Yes, I've always wanted to fire a gun but never done anything about it. I think holding and firing a real gun would make me feel powerful and at the same time I would be a bit scared of the power.

Q: Has this ever happened to you: You're alone and you start acting like a monkey (or doing something unusual) for fun. A few seconds later you realize you were not alone. If yes: explain the situation. :grin:
A: No it hasnt happened.. usually because I check if anyone who is not supposed to see it is present before I do something silly :p

Q: Do you know any band similar to Anathema or newer Katatonia?

hyena said:
@taliesin: he, he, he. :grin:
pfffffff :p
A: well, newest Anathema has many Radiohead influences methinks, you could also check Antimatter by an ex-Anathema. Porcupine Tree is great, Pineapple Thief is also great, you can never go wrong with Nick Cave, Novembre's ok.
but you have it covered with Anathema and Katatonia. and Mar de Grises is perfect if you're opting for an early Anathema Silent Enigma sound, which i dobut.

Q: what songs make you feel happy?
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