New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: Almost having my right hand tangled on a ride in Disneyland.

Q: You?
a: lots of events compete for that. when i was 12 i stupidly went for a climb in the mountains on my own, fell from a 7-meter rock, and broke almost every bone in my body. last year i fell off the loft where my bed is and smashed three vertebrae. heights don't scare me physiologically, but i'm developing a certain suspicion.

q: name one situation you see often (on the street, at work, at school etc) that makes you very uncomfortable.
A: Performers that walk, run, jump, and dance around on stage. I know it's part of their talent and act, but I don't want to see them fall or trip.

Q: Do you feel lazy or motivated right now?
A: Pr0n. Be like Orgazmo.

Q: Do you live near an ocean (Less than 50 miles away from the ocean)?
A: I can tell the difference between different brand of bottle water.

Q: Do you get allergies?
A: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Q: What superhuman power would you like to have? (only 1)
A: No.

Q: Do you think Desmond Tutu should be the next Pope?
A: Ummm, probably not.

Q: Ever been to a metal festival? If so, which one(s)?
A: I go to OZZfest every year, I've seen 100s of metal shows but not at a festival setting -

@Arch 'stick it to the man' is rationalize wrongdoing as righteous
revenge against an impersonal, dehumanized organization -

Q: Any plans for the summer?
@La Rocque: Thanks for the tidbit, I didn't know what it meant. :) I learn something new everyday. ;)

A: Work, travel, sleep, and be metal. :p

Q: You?
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