New Question&Answer Thread!

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Not really. A couple obligations, but no regrets at the moment. Well, I mean, everyone has regrets ranging from not buying icecream the other day to not introducing yourself to that girl you fancy, but I can't think of any off the top of my head now.

Why, marriage starting to feel like a bore already?
A: Because some people have high expectations of marriages.

Q: What's the first thing that comes into mind when you see this?

A: Somewhat... it goes something like, the more I learn, the more important stuff that gets pushed out of my brain. ;)

Q: What excites you?
buonasera, goodnight, as far as i know... or evening...

A: dark brown

Q: what is your opinion on the UN?
A: UN should have more power.

Q: What type of shampoo do you use?
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