New Question&Answer Thread!

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Kind of like "Black and white people" eh?! :mad:
You racists bastards ..never caring of people's feelings and thinking you're always right

A: People that are blatantly inconsiderate of others.

Q: What would you imagine heaven to be like? (Granted it were necessarily real)
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Those who don't give a damn about other people's opinions or feelings and think they're always right. Kinda black-and-white people.
There's a difference between someone always giving one's opinion on things and thinking that one's always right, though. People often mistake the former for the latter.
Well, these first things don't exactly fit the question since they've already happened, but let's just look at "today" as the whole day anyway. So I went to a sports store with dad, he bought me new football shoes, tickets to today's basketball game and some tennis balls.
So what I'm going to do today is go to the swimming pool (that sounds so stupid, always makes me think of pools that are outside), the kind of pools that are in a building that is, spend some time in the sauna first, in between and afterwards. Then I'll go watch the basketball game, the hall is conveniently in the same building. Will most likely come home after that, unless someone from around our place is in the city centre with a car, then I'll go for a cheap beer or two. I'm so damn smashed by now already that I should probably just come home, though. Only managed to sleep about 4 ½ hours before I had to wake up and get going to the sports store. So once I get home I'll probably start up the 3Gb+ Spawn torrent for the third time and fall flat on my face in bed, and hopefully sleep.

That wasn't very interesting was it?
MagSec4 said:
Kind of like "Black and white people" eh?! :mad:
You racists bastards ..never caring of people's feelings and thinking you're always right

Erm, I had a feeling someone may not get it what I meant with this actually. What I meant: "black-and-white people" = people who have stubborn beliefs on something that they've become blind to other options even if they're evident for everyone to see.


Continue with the Q and A pls.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
What I meant: "black-and-white people" = people who have stubborn beliefs on something that they've become blind to other options even if they're evident for everyone to see.
Not much is "evident for everyone to see" these days. Again, I stress that many people do think that it is so. Provide an example please?
An example: "a friend" says socialists and communists are the ones who are always right, others are just piece of shit, no good. That is: the only society which can work really is socialistic. End of discussion. :rolleyes:
Haha, ok I can see that can certainly be annoying as hell, and seems much closer to the former way of acting that you described in the other post.
It's sad that that is the end of the discussion though. I mean, the start is good: "The only society which can work really is socialistic." I for one don't know nearly as much as I should about communism (nor capitalism), but I would love to discuss it with both capitalists and communists, and why not with in-betweens as well. Good thing my friend has bit of a communist in him, or at least he questions how well capitalism works very much.
I certainly do think communists had (have?) good intentions and good points too but it all blew up big time. That's quite evident because it didn't work. We do not live in Utopia. I have had nice discussions with socialists and some communists too and they were quite funny also sometimes. :loco:
A: When I was little, yes. Now, no way.

Q: Who's the "biggest rockstar" you can think of?
A: No.

Q: What do you like about yourself?
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