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A: My life serves no purpose, except taking up oxygen. </emo>
A2: Apathetic. Not like the Pope has anything to do with my life.

Q: So what about you (any of the 2 questions)?
A: I'd guess my life has many purposes atm. I'd guess most of them would be making other people happy. The rest would be waiting. For time to pass. Slowly.

Q: If you were given the task of making a machine that would manipulate time: what functions would you give to it. what colour would the button(s) for each function be. and how would you name it.
A: Blue (play). Green (slow). Red (stop). Purple (reverse). Yellow (fast foward). White (instant replay). I would name it "Arch & Siren's Excellent Time Machine"

Q: Do you like the taste of wine?
a: red, but some whites are just spectacular.

q: discuss this statement:

"It must be borne in mind that no error could persist unless it contained a grain of truth. Indeed, an error is all the more dangerous, the greater that grain of truth is, for then the temptation it exerts is all the greater.

Furthermore, the error concerned would not have been able to wrench that piece of the truth to its own use if that truth had been adequately lived and witnessed to in its proper place."

Doesn't it make you double over with joy at the sheer precision? I mean, isn't it completely accurate?
A: No drugs and no alcohol. I get high on sleep.

Q: Do you take naps?
@hyena: no, i think it contains a big grain of truth, and since we can't witness the whole statement in its full form, it's possible for it to want to tempt us. :p

A: usually not, but i might when i'm too tired.

Q: do naps make you feel more tired?
A: No, not at all.

Q: What do you think of Siren's avatar?
A: Nice quote! I can say that I see it as a nice description of life. Maybe not fair, but it's true anyway. It can be an useful advice - do not do things unless you're completely sure you should. There's no turning back. It preaches frugality and that can be a nice rule in ones life.

Q: Who's your favorite writer?
A: Douglas Adams

Q: Ever read "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"?
A: I really want to before seeing the film. I have some friends who live their life by that book. I will make a special effort to get through it next week.

Q: If you had to consider yourself either a writer, musician, or artist (as in paints and doodles) which would you be most inclined to say? Also, which would you most like to be able to say?
A: Musician. Able: Writer.

Q: Do you follow along with current events?
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