a: i'm not sure. sometimes it is, yes. i think c.s. lewis makes a valid point about this concept when he says that most big family rows descend from the fact that each family member thinks they're renouncing something they like/want to do in favor of another member, but really their motive (sometimes unknown to themselves) consists in wanting to have something to hold over the other person's head, in terms of moral debt or similar. he concludes that if people were a bit more straightforward in expressing their desires and looking for a balance of self-contentment and altruism instead of spending time reflecting over how to make the others indebted to them families would be less conflictual. so yes, this is one example of the road to hell being paved with good intentions, but in other cases it isn't: according to my religion, if i do something horrible but i'm honestly convinced i'm doing good i won't go to hell.
q: does hell even exist?