New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: Night! :)

Q: What's your favorite song at the moment?
A: 8.5/10

Q: Do you think The Three Stooges are funny?
A: Jerry Seinfeld.

Q: Which comedian makes you laugh?
A: Not always.

Q: Ever thought about being a contestant on a game show?
A: Yeah we fight all the time... we are always just playing but it can get rough sometimes. Today she damn near broke my collarbone... the pain neerly reduced me to tears. I 2 inch snap punched her in return for all the pain and sent her flying through the wall [/exageration]

Q: Whats your favourite song then?
A: I could barely answer that question for the last month, or even the last week.. so many songs do so many things for me, some have more use than others, but some with their limited use have very strong and unique effects. A "favourite song" is simply impossible, i couldnt think of how to rank them. So instead my two favourite songs for today (yes i cant even settle on one for today) are:
Kings of Convenience - Cayman Islands
Kings of Convenience - Stay Out Of Trouble

Q: In what general directions are your music tastes changing? (eg maybe you're noticing lyrics more, or preferring softer stuff, or female fronted bands.. etc etc.. )
A: Well, I've been listening to Ulver's "Themes from William Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell" and VNV Nation (in various incarnations) virtually exclusively for some time. Sooo I guess I'm heading in whatever direction that is.

Q: same.

A: I'm starting to listen to more and more power metal and female-lead bands. And stuff like Type O and Tiamat, with a sense of humour. Something upbeat and filled with the joy of life rather than the depressing crap that makes you want to take a nice warm acid bath.

Q: You?
A: Oh, yeah, I am. Without any shadow of doubt wandering the place or jumping alongside the road following you. Yes. Absolutely. Ou, yes. :p But not in the vein of "I always remember other people birthday and read poems when the full moon is right up in the sky", but in a sense that makes me feel things with intensity, trying to look beyond the ordinary things in life. (I also write my own pink-coloured diary, I do kiss with my eyes closed, and I ride in a pony, in order to be allowed to say that I am romantic.)

Q: For how long do you think this new thread is gonna exist? I mean, if we know that threads have a limited number of posts, we also know they are gonna "die", somehow. When do you think this thread is going to reach that number? When do you expect "Question & Answer Thread 3: The Return"?

A: I could go and look at the old thread and work out an average number of posts per day and then estimate the length of time this one would take to get to 3000 posts, but instead I'll just take a random guess at January.

Q: Which threads on this forum don't you bother reading?
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