New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: When the evil commie nazi pinko hippie fascist rahvin closes it again! :bah: (just kiddin')
A2: The 'person above me thread', and half the time I make a conscious decision to avoid the 'NF' thread.

Q: In a choice between hypocrisy and living your life in a way you don't feel ethical, which do you go for?
A: Hypocrisy

Q: How are you doing?
A: Fine, but just wondering... according with Arch signature...

Q: ... is Russell Crowe a ninja? I saw it in South Park, where the truth about life is always revealed. :) So? Is he a ninja?

A: You might find the answer to |ngenius' question there.

Q: Do you think therefore you are?
A: I try to avoid thinking..

Q: Roughly what percentage of band names do you actually think are good (from bands you actually like)?
A: I enjoy being creative. There's that rush of 'euphoria' I get when I feel creative.

Q: Have you figured out women yet?
A: of last night's experiences seemed to confirm that I may never work any of them out.

Q: Does drinking water leave you feeling refreshed, or is it just something to put into your body like fuel into a car?
A: Depends on the situation. If I'm extremely thirsty, yes, it's like fuel. But if I'm somewhat thirsty... refreshed.

Q: What color(s) is your bedsheet?
A: The colour of a thousand suns, blended together in the aquamarine glow of the worlds oceans, combined with the epitimological factors of a quasi-membranic rainforest.

Q: Why is it whenever a question with more depth than the average puddle is asked these days, the answer is 'dunno, can't think' or a one word answer before the next question becomes 'OMGOMGOMG wot sh0es is u wearingg!!111!!1one'?
Good question Fuck King, I'd have to say that people dont care too much about deep thought nowadays :(.

Why is it that the forum is looking more and more retarded with each passing day?
A: Well, I'd have to say in all honesty it's because of the development of a certain clique within the board members who have made it slightly uncomfortable to some of the other members. Take a look around, and notice the once friendly faces departed from this hall. This place used to be considered too intelligent in conversational matter and too deep for the average poster to find. Now we've sunk lower than the lowest common denominator, and not even they bother showing up anymore. It's incredibly saddening.

Q: Do you think this decline can be stopped, or do you think any attempt we make will at best only slow the decline?
A: I'm starting to agree, because after frequenting the place for close to three years, I hate to leave it, but I'm not sure what the alternatives are. I think I include myself in the growing number of people who are too uncomfortable to post here that often.

Q: Anyone else?
A: Pity if seen this happen in so many other places that I can see what's comin'. Still, there's ALOT of life in the old beast yet, trust me. ;)

Q: When cheese gets it's picture taken, what does it say?
A: It depends. Do you mean if I am sort of metallic fan of the videogame Doom? Then, no. If you asked if I do like the music labeled as doom metal, then the answer is no.

Q: At some point people complained because they found this was a particularly scary serious-kind of board, but it boiled in activity. Now, some others complain because there are no "deep thoughts" around, but we're closing some long threads which proves that our activity has not decreased. I think we combined both serious and hilarious topics in the past, new people have arrived, and they have their chance to do whatever they want now. Where is the problem? :err:

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