The fear I feel inside...
A. I'd say a Canon, and if I were you I'd choose the EOS 300d
Q. So what do you think of the new DT EP?

Q. So what do you think of the new DT EP?
For the sake of change.. though I can't say I disagree with you.TheFourthHorseman said:Why is everyone changing their signatures and avatars into something worse (imo)?
Yes, sir.. always has been.TheFourthHorseman said:Oh, a bonus question for Mag. Is that Spawn in your avatar? Looks a lot like it.
You don't have jack shit and you know it!MorbidEnemy said:It's nothing compared to Character
where did you learn it then?hyena said:a: not really, most people take 8 years of compulsory english in junior high and high school, but they never happen to learn the language. for example, neither me nor rahvin did take english at school (we were among the relatively few who took french). there's a very small minority of people who study either german or spanish.
i'm self-taught. i simply found out early that i liked english, and i was fascinated by the whole "foreign language" idea (speaking in codes, creating barriers between thoughts and verbal expression). i took a 6-month course before taking the cambridge proficiency exam, and i revised some rules with hyena when we both took the toefl, but that's about it. the classes i'm attending now are very boring and kind of superficial.fireangel said:where did you learn it then?
well, then:fireangel said:rahvin: the following smilie I prefer to receive than to give,
King Chaos said:Q: Anything supernatural (Or just generally scary in a fairly unexplanable way) ever happened in your presence?
so true, i had french in middle school and english in high school, but that "english" never went farther than "the cat is on the table". also in uni (not a language course) it's not that much more, they did a whole fuss to divide us into groups based on our knowledge, and then the lesson of the other day in my group, that is supposed to be the highest (hyena said:a: not really, most people take 8 years of compulsory english in junior high and high school, but they never happen to learn the language. for example, neither me nor rahvin did take english at school (we were among the relatively few who took french). there's a very small minority of people who study either german or spanish.