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It's nothing compared to Character :D

TheFourthHorseman said:
Why is everyone changing their signatures and avatars into something worse (imo)?
For the sake of change.. though I can't say I disagree with you.

TheFourthHorseman said:
Oh, a bonus question for Mag. Is that Spawn in your avatar? Looks a lot like it.
Yes, sir.. always has been.

MorbidEnemy said:
It's nothing compared to Character :D

You don't have jack shit and you know it! :P

A: I did now.
Yes, I rather like it.. though some aspects of it are ..meh!
Thanks for the link.

Q: If you were a hurricane (or a typhoon) what would your name be?
A: Hurricane Wayne (or anything that rhymes with 'ane')

Q: What time did you wake up today?

hyena said:
a: not really, most people take 8 years of compulsory english in junior high and high school, but they never happen to learn the language. for example, neither me nor rahvin did take english at school (we were among the relatively few who took french). there's a very small minority of people who study either german or spanish.
where did you learn it then?

fireangel said:
where did you learn it then?
i'm self-taught. i simply found out early that i liked english, and i was fascinated by the whole "foreign language" idea (speaking in codes, creating barriers between thoughts and verbal expression). i took a 6-month course before taking the cambridge proficiency exam, and i revised some rules with hyena when we both took the toefl, but that's about it. the classes i'm attending now are very boring and kind of superficial.
A group of friends and I went to this old insane asylum about two years ago and it was indeed haunted.

The first thing we noticed was how everyone kept seeing small white shapes out of the corners of their eyes, myself included. We were in the basement when my friend Frank told me to look in one of the cells, and sure as shit, there was a little boy sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, when we took a step forward he vanished, I didnt see him slowly fade away or anything, he just wasnt there anymore.

You could be saying, "It could have been tricks of the light or some goofy crap, Nick you stupid bastard," but the most compelling thing is the shape we caught on camera. It is sort of like a liquid shadow that runs down the side of the door jamb in one of the rooms. There was no one to make the shadow, and the shadow doesnt look human made anyway.

Many nay sayers will be saying nay to this, but I swear on EVERYTHING I believe in that the above event actually took place. Take into consideration the only hauntings I believed in a head of time was how I haunt the toilet after a night of drinking and eating Mexican food ;).

A: No, not that I can think of. The only exception to that was when 2 things totally out-of-ordinary came true the following day after a dream in my sleep. (2 seperate dreams on seperate occasions, that is)

Q: Do you use instant messenger chat program(s)? If so, which one(s)?
A: One time I turned my Lava lamp on and then got into bed, Laid down, Looked up BOOYAH A fucking Demon is sitting on my shelf looking at me. Nobody believes me about it, but I know what I saw... Im too mature to lie about it. Anyway, it put one hand on top of my lava lamp, looked left, then right, then dived like a cat and disapeared like it was going round a corner, but it was juts thin air.

Another time my bed started shaking mega violently while I was in it, so bad that I couldnt move from the numb sensation the vibration caused. I tried to shout but couldnt. Apparently it was sleep paralysis... so it can be explained but it was intensly freaky.

Q: Do you believe the stories so far? Also has anything happened to you?
hyena said:
a: not really, most people take 8 years of compulsory english in junior high and high school, but they never happen to learn the language. for example, neither me nor rahvin did take english at school (we were among the relatively few who took french). there's a very small minority of people who study either german or spanish.
so true, i had french in middle school and english in high school, but that "english" never went farther than "the cat is on the table". also in uni (not a language course) it's not that much more, they did a whole fuss to divide us into groups based on our knowledge, and then the lesson of the other day in my group, that is supposed to be the highest ( :lol: i'm so silly for laughing to this), was to make up a story all together, everyone with a sentence that had to include some words we were given, like cat and dog :err: it was funny indeed, cause it became more a silliness class (it was like my posts) than a english one, but well...useful?
A: Yes, some stuff has happened to me. And it's not easy to say, me being a rational-minded individual.
The most significant/blatant of all was something that happened in my presence which clearly defied the laws of physics, and I've tried hard ever since to make sense out of, but haven't been able to. However, it'd be too complex for me to properly explain it in writing.. It's something I'd much rather 'show'.

Q: Same question...
A: One night this summer two friends and I were driving home on a a dark road on the countryside. The sky was clear, and one of my friends sat and looked into the nightsky. And there was a light that would have looked exactly like a star, if it had not been moving around on the sky quite fast, as it seemed without a target. We stopped the car and got out to watch it and we three could all see it moving randomly up there. Before we saw that light we were calm, we hadn't been talking about anything like that, neither been doing anything that could have made our minds easily scared. We couldn't explain what it could be, and if anyone of you have any suggestions of what it might have been, please tell me, because it still makes me uneasy to think about that unknown light and I want an explanation.

Q: same.
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