New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: October 30th, I think, for a friend's bday outing. Tipsy on November 19th, at a restaurant, from sangria.

Q: It's my observation that youngish people (even after they're legal) in countries with higher drinking-age requirements treat alcohol more irresponsibly than those in countries with no age limits. Makes obvious sense to me. Do you observe the same thing?
A: You're right, Lina. I did a paper on it. (No need to post my 5-6 pages of my findings). However, in the U.S. the reason for "upping" the legal drinking limit is so there are less 16-20 year old drunk drivers. They claim that this reduces the drunk driving cases from underage people dramatically. Of course, to me that's arguable since the studies were done in the 1970's and early 80's. Anyhow, I'm off-topicing here.

Q: Are you happy or sad that this year is almost over?
a: i'm happy. it has been total shit. and i'm curious about my net yearly salary.

q: do you favor the legalization of hashish and cannabis?
A: Yes, although I've never used it.

Q: You?
A: Yes, I do. In Netherlands, since it's working for them there! :grin: Here, what we would see is just an increase of users. But then again, if it were legal, so many people wouldnt have to become criminals because of their lust to smoke cannabis. It's stupid that way too.

Q: Do you think Mikaels stance on DD-cover looks anything like this painting by Edvard Munch?
@Arch: No. What's the point? I'm amazed that people actually think that arguments like "Pot is less harmful than cigarettes" are going to get it legalized, and equally amazed that some people actually buy it. Just because one harmful drug is legal doesn't mean that another should be, that's my point.

LTA: A little bit. Someone should photoshop Mikael into that painting in that dude's place.

What do you think about child labor?
A: i don't have a carpet in this place... I have one at home but I doubt it was made in India.

Q: are you allergic to something?
A: Valentine's Day, if that's considered a holiday; entirely because it's a commercialized "holiday". Regular holidays... I say Christmas, because it seems so depressing.

Q: What was something you last drank?
A: No. Nevar!

Q: Do you have a difficult time understanding people with British (English) accents?
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