New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: My economics textbook. Any good? Not really, I need to review it for my final examination. ;)

Q: Ready for 2005?
You bet! I'm seeing DT, planning a travel or two, going to study. And if things go wrong I'll just kill myself, thats my plan.

Q: yeah you? like salt licorice? I luv it.
A: Not a fan of licorice.

Q: You think that cop that shot the killer of Dimebag Darrell will have a big fat Christmas bonus?
Probably something like 10 hours when I've done nothing but sat in front of the computer. Obviously I'm always listening to music here if I'm not playing a game with sounds.

What's a good ambient band?
No way, they all suck. :lol: The good ones have already made it in Finland (Kotiteollisuus, Mokoma) or Middle-Europe (Battlelore).

Do you think Jeff Buckley would've made an album that actually didn't have any bad songs on it if he'd have lived a bit longer?
Yeah, at least I've managed to see Battlelore live a few times. I don't think that they should've released a DVD so soon though, it's kind of annoying that smaller bands' labels like to do that a lot these days. I guess they didn't have much to object when Napalm wanted to do it though, just more money and promotion for them.

Well Live Damage isn't a very good live DVD anyway. Not Built To Last was the only song where it actually seemed like the crowd was alive...and don't make me start about the light show.
I probably still like Opeth's Lamentations the most out of the ones that I own, despite the setlist. The new Strapping Young Lad DVD would be the best if the mix wasn't as unfortunate for the guitars as it is.

Do you think that people shouldn't answer a question if they don't have anything to say? :p
TheFourthHorseman said:
No way, they all suck. :lol: The good ones have already made it in Finland (Kotiteollisuus, Mokoma) or Middle-Europe (Battlelore).

Hey where´s Horna? :grin:
Have you checked Stamina? I have tried advertising it here, since it seems that all people like Mokoma, and Stam1na (that is the right way to type it.. for google) is like sixteen times better.

And yeah, Opeth´s Lamentations is excellent work though I don´t like Opeth.
A (to 4thHorse): nah, reply is a reply, wheter you have something to say or nay.
A2 (King Chaos):My only grab to Jeff Buckley is Nightmares by the sea -katatonia cover.

Q: Do you swing? / Should DT rearrange their Mind´s I to swing and record a live DVD of it?
I didn't even know that Horna is from here...I haven't listened to the music, but they sure do have bad lyrics. :p Maybe not the most important aspect of their music anyway...
I should probably check out Stamina. Like I said, I'm not the biggest Mokoma fan but I do agree that they get a lot more recognition than Stamina does. Can't say if that's for a reason yet.
A: Naw. Nope.

Q: How many best friends do you have?
A: 1

Q: What's your first name?
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