New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: Sense of humour, compassion, imagination and willingness to back their beliefs.

Q: Are we all just merchandise on a universal 'shopping shelf', waiting to be bought for the right intentions?
A: Sergeant Colon had not hitherto had a great deal of experience of animals, except in portion sizes. When he'd been little he'd had a pink stuffed pig called Mr Dreadful, and he'd got up to Chapter Six in 'Animal Husbandry'. It had woodcuts in it. There was no mention of hot smelly breath and great clomping feet like soup plates on a stick. Cows, in Sergeant Colon's book, should go "moo". Every chld knew that. They shouldn't go "mur-r-r-r-r-m!" like some kind of undersea monster and spray you with spit.

Clearly, cows don't say "moo" at all.

Q: Who knows what book that passage is from, and also according to the next paragraph what do sheep say?
I assume that it's from Feet Of Clay, because you seem to like that one a lot and Colon has a fairly big role in it. I guess I'll check it out...well, couldn't find anything. Feet Of Clay is my final, definitely final, yes you deaf idiot, final answer. That last sentence there is what I surprisingly enough don't hear too often in Who Wants To Be A Millionare.
This particular sheep seems to say "blaart". :)

What's the easiest thing to cook? And not "cook", alright, as in putting something in the microwave or going to the local pizzeria. Cook cook.
A: It takes about 30 minutes to cook, but being easy, I say spaghetti.

Q: How often do you shave?
Kevin Moore. No contest, ok, I just adore the guy and I don't really even know why. Could be more because of the piano songs that he wrote for Dream Theater rather than his talents with the keyboard. I like what Fredrik Hermansson does as well.

What would you guess that Cappu-Vendrediste means?
A: Heh :p
Well, a friend of mine was on work experience for 10 weeks, but he didnt have to work on monday, so he joked that his religion didng allow him to work on mondays ;)
Lately, he's been quite pissed off because of his new Uni, so much so that he often skips the entire friday. So I joked that he had changed religions from the Lundistes (Mondayers) to the Vendredistes (Fridayers). And for the Cappu, well.. Im meeting a friend pretty much every friday, to have a cappucino and a good talk, so that makes me a Cappu-Vendrediste ;)
It's weird because mostly that's the only time we see each other, even though we've been friends before and go to the same Uni, we hardly ever manage to meet there :cry:

Q: Do you have any similar nicknames / silly expressions with (more or less ;)) funny stories to them? :p
A: Not really, because it's not like the silly expressions i use with my friends make any sense (in greek or any other language) or that we even know where they come from. We just randomly start using them, so no funny stories for you there. Anyhow, the two most recent/popular ones would be "no more coal" and "tune in with Cairo".

Q: Do you have an imaginary friend? If so, what is his/her name and what does he/she look like?
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