New record progress Updates

Awesome stuff, guys. o_o

Are you going to release a studio documentary and behind the scenes? :D
The medley on Myspace really lived up to my expectations of the new album. You can tell from these short snippets just how much detail and work has been put into the compositions. Together with the upcoming Primordial album, this is my most anticipated release at the moment.
Вообще супер!!!:OMG: Скорее бы всё послушать!!!:headbang:
This shit is totaly awesome!
The only thing I need to say - stop tormenting us, bastards! Give us a whole album soon!

Haha :) Ok, it was a primitive joke. I liked that demo and I absolutely admit that the time you've taken (or it took you) to record THESE final version was really worth it!
I need a new air from you, guys that is your music!

And hope to see you soon performing

Keep it metal :headbang:
Hey guys! How is it going? I have a normal internet here at the ends of the earth... And where I went the first day was youtube/FS... And I must say that I start feeling your music another way.

I was laughing at the guy who yelled out "HEY! HEY! HEY!..." when Sonm sang Snowfall... Stupid! It reminded me the 17 march, ryazan, when some dude claimed Unforgiven when you'd just stopped playing Autumn Elegy...
I don`t know if it`s a good news..
With Brett`s help and advices :thanks a lot: i finally fixed all the technical troubles and now i`m working hard on the guitars... I am not satisfied at all because my work is still at the beginning )
It`s like when you`re standing before pile of few thousands of bricks and have to lift them all to 3nd floor...) I`m sure Sonm will understand me very well ))
Yes, yes, yes!!! And especialLEE when somebody is yellin' at ya - DAAAAVAAAAAY KIRPIIIIIIICH'!!!!!!! Omin, but you do remember that! When we've finished the whole stuff and were passing by just to see that our job was complete. Just to get the confirmation that all damn bricks were gone and that wasn't just a dream... And then our wide smiles turned into twisted frowns... Three times bigger heaps of foking brickzz took all space in front of the... lemmesee, was that a Ebuda's house?
Years have passed yet sometimes, in the dead of the night I erect from my bed washed by the ice-cold sweat, while trying to get rid my ears of this mournfully furious ghostly scream... ATSKAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!
You guys have been in the studio for a freaking long time! That must be a great deal you guys got with the label. ^_^
Most bands spend 2 or 3 weeks in the studio. :p
hahaha! we should be really rich bastards to spend 3 month living at studio :)) we`ve just recorded drums there and that`s all! It took us 3 days :) The other instruments are recording at home now under competent monsieur Brett`s control :) I think we`ll return to the studio later, when we record drums for the last song that`s in composing process now.
Hey guys! Do you forget about this topic?
Tell me please, when we will can listen the your album?

I CAN'T WAIT! :):loco: