New Sinergy Album?


A Link To The Past
Feb 1, 2007
Newfoundland, Canada.
Whatever happened to that?
It was supposed to be released last fall wasn't it?
Then it got lost or something.
Did they find it yet?
Why aren't we hearing any information about it?
welcome to my world of fucking curiosity and two threads on the same subject. But yeah, ANY INFO WOULD BE NICE
Serious questions should be asked here imo, or else everyone will be posting stupid shit in it.
Serious questions should be asked here imo, or else everyone will be posting stupid shit in it.

That's not logical. I see far, far more "stupid shit" in On-Topic than in Off-Topic.
Sinergy, Warmen and other closely COB related stuff belongs here. Off topic is pretty much just the trash can of this board.

Thanks for clearing that! BTW, Am I the only one who always get the feeling that the webmaster hates this forum more than anything else ? :D
im getting restless waiting for the new album :mad:
how do you just "loose" a whole album you've been working on?!
^the computer system could crash, the album can go missing, they didn't have any backups, anything could have happened, which sucks, because I'd like to hear it as well.
Not for nothing, but at this point I fear that Sinergy is a band in name only. Alexi has found other priorities since the glory days of "Suicide." Bodom is his moneymaker now. I somehow doubt that he even has the chops to play Sinergy music live anymore. Could he still write music like that? I would like to hope so, but I have not seen or heard anything from the Bodom camp that leads me to believe that Alexi has some sort of Sinergy masterpiece on the way. I have a feeling that all of the alcohol, money, and INJURIES have taken their toll on Alexi. He is no longer the top dog of guitar playing...I would love for him to reclaim the throne...but is it likely he will explode back onto the scene again? Perhaps, but I hate that we have to ask so many questions, my faith is running thin.
Not for nothing, but at this point I fear that Sinergy is a band in name only. Alexi has found other priorities since the glory days of "Suicide." Bodom is his moneymaker now. I somehow doubt that he even has the chops to play Sinergy music live anymore. Could he still write music like that? I would like to hope so, but I have not seen or heard anything from the Bodom camp that leads me to believe that Alexi has some sort of Sinergy masterpiece on the way. I have a feeling that all of the alcohol, money, and INJURIES have taken their toll on Alexi. He is no longer the top dog of guitar playing...I would love for him to reclaim the throne...but is it likely he will explode back onto the scene again? Perhaps, but I hate that we have to ask so many questions, my faith is running thin.

If he'd just think of money why did he do Kylähullut? Ok, it was just three days of studio or sth, but still there's so few people knowing it so he can't have done that for credit.
If he'd just think of money why did he do Kylähullut? Ok, it was just three days of studio or sth, but still there's so few people knowing it so he can't have done that for credit.

He did Kylähullut so he could be wasted with his buddies and lay down some tracks. I read at least 2 interviews where he said they were all piss drunk the whole time. Either way, my point is that I do not know if Alexi has the physical skill or ability to play Sinergy style leads and solos anymore. Are You Dead Yet pales in comparison to any of the Sinergy albums as far as technicallity (please try to argue that one), and I wonder if Alexi can come back to old form after all of the injuries he has suffered.
Unfortunately, I agree with MasqueReaper's post...

I don't think he can play the Sinergy material properly anymore and I doubt he'll even want to write stuff like that now. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
He did Kylähullut so he could be wasted with his buddies and lay down some tracks. I read at least 2 interviews where he said they were all piss drunk the whole time. Either way, my point is that I do not know if Alexi has the physical skill or ability to play Sinergy style leads and solos anymore. Are You Dead Yet pales in comparison to any of the Sinergy albums as far as technicallity (please try to argue that one), and I wonder if Alexi can come back to old form after all of the injuries he has suffered.

man, I totally agree. I think he still has the ability, it's just that he's come so far and feels that he's proven himself that I really don't think he gives a shit about being virtuistic anymore.
Nah, they just don't have time and/or will to concentrate on Sinergy right now, while they're doing the new album. They didn't even have time to throw that birthday party so how could they do a whole album? Allu's injuries did not cause him any permanent damage so I call BS on the not physically capable to play argument.

The alcohol thing gets exaggerated, because that is the only side of him we see publically on videos and such. I don't have any doubts about him being able to play as well or better than in the past. A whole different thing is whether he wants to play that stuff anymore.

(my 0.02)
So what exactly did Alexi write for Sinergy? The whole Suicide... album?
I think Roope wrote at least the titel track himself and some others aswell.

For me it's a bit strange that a whole album can be lost. The should be backups. and when there are no backups the can rerecord their work, they all should know what they played in the recordings so the work would be less than for the first time.
I would love to see a new Sinergy album... Would be nice, but I almost believe it's never going to happen...

To all the people talking shit about Allu's playing etc.:
First of all, none of us has any right to make assumptions on wheter Alexi can still play the old Sinergy stuff or not because there is no way we can know anything about that... So please, just shut up on it.
And... if it bothers you all sooooo much that "Alexi can't play anymore, he's just doing it for the money, he's an alcoholic" etc. why are you even posting here?
Besides, I think it's about the rudest thing in the world to talk shit about someone you don't even fucking know :mad:

Sorry, I just had to get that of my chest...