New to Vintersorg and Forum!

Welcome, welcome, may you stay long, and enjoy our friendship! :) (keeps to the nice old custom greeting, yes) Good food and drink is over at the party thread. (The birthday thread - where did that one go?? Must bring it up again!)
Ok, well I am not so new to the forum, but I am to Vintersorg, don't actually have anything from them *shock, horror, disbelief*

What would be a good starting point?

And do they sing in english? I couldn't download anything from their site for some reason and most of the song titles were in Swedish/other speech impairment :confused:
@The Nomad
Thanks, will order CG then, I don't wanna listen to Swedish singing, having to suffer thru them speaking is enough for me thanks ;)
Anyone new to Vintersorg should start at the beginning! First buy Norrland, then Till Fjälls, Ödemarkens Son, and finally Cosmic Genesis. As with books, it's always convenient to start with the beginning ;)
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
I don't mind the swedish singing. I download a few of the songs that are swedish, I love the songs, but do not understand it at all. I'm clueless. Even though, I am part swedish...

actually, Otyg and Vintersorg are the reasons I can pronounce and read enough Swedish to make me feel cool. At least I can pronounce Mikael Akerfeldt's last name properly...

I seem to be decent at getting the accent and general pronounciation for many languages.... but I'm horrible at grammar and vocabulary...
Well, I usually don't even know what most lyrics in English mean, as a whole. And that only bothers me intellectually, but not too much. I rarely listen to music for the lyrics.

I could never understand how some people say, "well, this song isn't too great, but the lyrics are awesome!"

Voice is merely an instrument...
True, that bothers me as well. I can't really tolerate people who look for songs for the lyrics. Though, that can sometimes help me buy a CD. Or atleast check out the band. And if I don't like the lyrics, well, I'll still download them. Lyrics can be really great, but it's not the meaning of the band all the time. Except for the pop genre, 'cause they don't play their own instruments.
Originally posted by The Nomad
I could never understand how some people say, "well, this song isn't too great, but the lyrics are awesome!"

it happens when evil metalheads try to listen to Dream Theater :loco:

ok,seriously i can't say i look for songs because of the lyrics.....great lyrics with shitty music is nothing...Great music with shitty lyrics on the contrary can be cool... The best is to have both great music & lyrics (like it is with my beloved In the woods ;) )
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Anyone new to Vintersorg should start at the beginning! First buy Norrland, then Till Fjälls, Ödemarkens Son, and finally Cosmic Genesis. As with books, it's always convenient to start with the beginning ;)
Hmm...I'm getting Till Fjälls soon as my first Vintersorg it wasn't such a bad choice after all..(?)
About lyrics.... I think shitty lyrics can ruin a whole lot! If the music sounds cool enough, but then you hear the most silly lyrics ever, and instead of enjoying the music, you first laugh your guts out, as you loose all the respect that you (might) had of these utterly UNserious and childish ppl..... Then afterwards you just shake your head, and think "where do they take this from...?"
i thing good lyrics add some pleasure to a good album, so as do a good artwork / digipack etc. you look to the cover, then the lyrics, and think "at least they did not use de the epic / evil lyrics generator they kinda tried to do something". Maybe it's not much, but it's better than an awful cover and two lines of lyrics in a 1 page booklet saying "see what the power of true love can do in our realistic world of dragons and magic (copyright luca turilli)"
And sometimes we can have the chance to have poems-like lyrics...(Estatic Fear)
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
About lyrics.... I think shitty lyrics can ruin a whole lot! If the music sounds cool enough, but then you hear the most silly lyrics ever, and instead of enjoying the music, you first laugh your guts out, as you loose all the respect that you (might) had of these utterly UNserious and childish ppl..... Then afterwards you just shake your head, and think "where do they take this from...?"

I agree with you!
A very good example of that would be.

IN FLAMES - SUBTERANEAN ! What god awful lyrics have spawned here..........and such good music :cry: