New Years Resolutions?

These things never really work out, but what are you all planning to accomplish this year? some of mine:

- cut down on caffeine
- learn katakana
- obtain a PSP
- read more philosphy
- go to Japan

i wish you all luxxor with yours!
"its your revolution, its your revolutionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
stop playing the fag with a certain friend of mine (we've been doing this for 2 years now, its fucking hard to stop!)
start working harder for my studies instead of fucking around.
learn more about paganism.
oh yeah i forgot, i must go to the Fury Fest '05 and throw dead rabbits at slipknot if they dare come again :loco: no i'm kidding i wouldnt.
and start smoking less cause in juin, ciggarette packs will go up to 10 euros down here... thats fucking hardcore... i'll end up smoking pure jays, it'll be cheaper.
Celtik Militia said:
oh yeah i forgot, i must go to the Fury Fest '05 and throw dead rabbits at slipknot if they dare come again :loco: no i'm kidding i wouldnt.
and start smoking less cause in juin, ciggarette packs will go up to 10 euros down here... thats fucking hardcore... i'll end up smoking pure jays, it'll be cheaper.
I want to have sex with smoking.
I am gonna try to be prepared for any future tsunamis that i may encounter. and im gonna try to grow my hair longer. and wash it more often. and wash my hands more often. and go to the gym more often and fight more often(but not with my brother) and get organisized in my schoolwork
1.)See Amon Amarth this year, even if I have to go oversea's. (Been saving up)
2.)Join a 'Troth' (Asatru)
3.)Get a six-pack...
4.)Buy a pair of pistols and learn the 'Gun Kata' (Sorry,that one is lame)
5.)Convince my girlfriend to have a threesome with her friend. (Who is a chick!)
Get to a good place in the army
To win the war
To make decent keyboards for my band's songs
To live long and prosper (Though sounds very "trekkie" of me, I support this greeting)
win the war of chasing the palestinians out of their lands? its not a critisism against israel (god knows we musn't play with that) but i dont see what war u are talking about, have i missed something in the news lately? :loco:
Celtik Militia said:
win the war of chasing the palestinians out of their lands? its not a critisism against israel (god knows we musn't play with that) but i dont see what war u are talking about, have i missed something in the news lately? :loco:
Hey hey hey!!!!!!!1! It's not that war I was talking about, and I appriciate you don't want to get into one of those arguments too (For the record though, historically jews and arabs have the equal rights for this soil :D ).
I meant my personal war... but it's too stupid to get into. Got a nasty habit of speaking in sentence halves, thus confusing the reader :)
I figured that "win the war" would sound provocative, but I was too lazy-bum-ass to change it.
About the WAR you guys thought I meant, I don't know what to think, but the fighting must end, it's obvious. Both sides are stubborn, but it will have to be done.
i'm all for that the jews have their own land but my opinion is that they have rights on palestinian soil as much as the germans have rights on the baltic soil. actually, thats a bad example of irony, cause i do think its a pity that germany got fucked off of prussia, the land that actually created the country :p. whatever i see what i mean and i understand u believing ur statement. anyway it is of course not the jews' fault, don't get me wrong, they had to find a land of their own and thats respectable, but unfortunately the palestinians got fucked. i'm conscient that most israeliens feel bad about it and they're not at fault.
anyway yeah lol i get ur thing about fighting ur inner war and stuff hehe :p
Corporal McDick said:
Get to a good place in the army
To win the war
To make decent keyboards for my band's songs
To live long and prosper (Though sounds very "trekkie" of me, I support this greeting)
"live long and prosper" is actually a jewish saying, so i forgive you.

and thats awesome that you want to win the war. to quote a great band "do you want to win this war?, its your cause were fighting for"

keep smokin', mang.
Celtik Militia said:
i'm all for that the jews have their own land but my opinion is that they have rights on palestinian soil as much as the germans have rights on the baltic soil. actually, thats a bad example of irony, cause i do think its a pity that germany got fucked off of prussia, the land that actually created the country :p. whatever i see what i mean and i understand u believing ur statement. anyway it is of course not the jews' fault, don't get me wrong, they had to find a land of their own and thats respectable, but unfortunately the palestinians got fucked. i'm conscient that most israeliens feel bad about it and they're not at fault.
anyway yeah lol i get ur thing about fighting ur inner war and stuff hehe :p
Finally someone with a more valid point than "Fuck the jews/palestinians" (Circle the neccessery). The so-called occupation is disturbing and hurting in both sides. But retreating just like this is too complicated to be completed even in a year. Btw, the "Disconnction" plan, or whatever its name in English, is a very strong move by Sharon. Especially because it is him who initiated it. And the opposition to this is very strong in some places around here. The settlers threat to use their weapons if they are to be evicted. There is a chance for civil war in fact. Aside the natl. security factor, which has to be concidered anyway.

Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
"live long and prosper" is actually a jewish saying, so i forgive you.

and thats awesome that you want to win the war. to quote a great band "do you want to win this war?, its your cause were fighting for"

keep smokin', mang.
As long as I don't quote Manowar, it'll be ok. Right?
I'll keep on smoking. Because Denis Leary was right: The warnings don't matter! You could have cigarettes that would come in a black pack with a skull and a crossbone on the front and you'll still have sudden smokers around the block saying "I can't wait to put my hand on these....".
The road to hell is paved by good intentions and resolutions but I don't believe in hell so here are my resolutions for the year 2005:
attend more metal shows
drink more Barbar, my new favourite beer, Belgian of course...
check this forum more regularly
and try to fix my dvd player!!
I think Sharon will move the situation a great deal forward, hopefully for all parties involved. I dont believe in no civil war, but some of those settlers sure seem pissed off, thats for sure. Are they orthodox? because if they are, arent they supposed to wait for the messiah to return to their "land of promised milk and honey" or whatever its called?