Next album... black metal?!

I think that would be cool... not if they totally went black metal, they still have to keep it Opeth-esque, but I'd definitely like to hear that.

I bet Martin Lopez can pull off some really good blast beats, too.
ChromeLife said:
I really hope they do this... It would make things quite interesting.

You are soo fucking prepy in your picture...i think i am going to be sick..shave your head ...burn that sweater, wear the sweater on your head after it is something! personal offense btw...i just couldn't resist... :ill:
They already have a huge BM influence. It wouldn't be a big stretch. The prospect of this excites me. I take it to mean that it'll have a lot of fast, airy riffing, and be very evil. If they have some blastbeats, all the better. They can be very effective when not used all over the fucking place like a lot of bands like to do.
Opeth can take the currently boring black metal scene and add new life to it. It will of course be a fusion if they do it. We arent gonna see them with fucking corpse paint and leather! It will probably have black metal elements, its not going to be true black metal.
A tasteful progressive combination of Black Metal and Doom metal would be godly..Its a shame bands like COF ruin black metal for the rest of us but when its done right it sounds good! I wouldnt care if Opeth did this if they wanted to...i mean it is their band after all!
I hope that Opeth does a Black Metal album. If anyone can pull off a classic, then it is Mike. As for CoB. It isn't true Black Metal but it is still really cool.
Black metal.

What comes to mind is another My Arms, Your Hearse, which would be bad ass imo. They always play Demon of the Fall live, and Mikael always introduces it as their black metal song, so maybe they want to do an entire album that goes in that direction.

It would be fucked up if the entire album was dropped D tuning, though…. Opeth is Opeth. Whatever they decide to do I bet they can pull off.
Opeth turning black metal = the end of their careers.

Opeth progressing to something new and evolved = the makings of a long fruitful one.

I understand that there are alot of you people who listen to Opeth because they are another heavy "death metal" band to listen to along with all the other "br00tal" bands you listen to, but in my 6 or so years following the band, I have found the heavier they get, the more boring and bland they get. Which led me to realize Opeth is not death metal, they arent extreme, they are different...Black metal isnt different, its old, and there are plenty of bands out there that are playing black metal just fine now...I wish Opeth would drop their stupid ties to the scene, and their dumb extreme metal stigma and just progress and evolve the way a great progressive rock band should.

The metal stuff was great and incredible and definately transcended the genre, but alas I think the band should just let that go, and discover new elements of music to incorporate into their style. Damnataion was a step in the right direction, albeit a small one...Id like to personally see the King Crimson/Camel side of Opeth show more in their overall compositions (as in "The Moor")
Thorns of Sorrow said:
Opeth turning black metal = the end of their careers.

Opeth progressing to something new and evolved = the makings of a long fruitful one.

I understand that there are alot of you people who listen to Opeth because they are another heavy "death metal" band to listen to along with all the other "br00tal" bands you listen to, but in my 6 or so years following the band, I have found the heavier they get, the more boring and bland they get. Which led me to realize Opeth is not death metal, they arent extreme, they are different...Black metal isnt different, its old, and there are plenty of bands out there that are playing black metal just fine now...I wish Opeth would drop their stupid ties to the scene, and their dumb extreme metal stigma and just progress and evolve the way a great progressive rock band should.

The metal stuff was great and incredible and definately transcended the genre, but alas I think the band should just let that go, and discover new elements of music to incorporate into their style. Damnataion was a step in the right direction, albeit a small one...Id like to personally see the King Crimson/Camel side of Opeth show more in their overall compositions (as in "The Moor")
Word ! I hope Mikael reads this, I don't want a BM record. I want Opeth.
Aecliptica said:
its great to another montreal fan !:kickass: , where abouts in MTL you from?

and back to the thread....i highly doubt they would go in THAT direction...

Another one here :wave: :loco: :yell: :Spin:

I was at the show too :hotjump:
If they use keyboard or synth´s like fx: Dimmu Borgir it could be cool. However if BM influence means super fast aggressive music dictated by double pedals on the drums etc. then it´s gonna suck =(
I strongly doubt it will be anything resembling black metal, and I agree with Thorns that it would be a regression and dubious path to take...
Hey Aecliptica, I was starting to wonder if there were any other Montrealers on this website, much less this forum!

I'm near the Ville-St-Laurent area and the Montreal show ruled!

By the way, about the thread, Akerfeldt WAS serious, and I think that what he meant by black metal is:
-more consistently heavy
-some more aggressive drums
-more 4/4-type time signatures like Damnation (rather than the 3/4, 6/8 signatures most used in the other albums)
-synths (I'm guessing string sections and other symphonic sounds

I have a feeling it will be very Opeth-ish, and very new.

Hey, Hydro and Aecliptica, if you peaple play music, we should try and jam!
