next katatonia album

More like every other week. Someone should just sticky this topic already.
I hereby surrender my duties as a seasoned viola/violin player to Katatonia. Instrumental tapes of katatonia songs played on viola to come!!!
(didn't daniel say something about violins in a video interview)
Sort of hope not. Doesn't sound good, but who knows, ofcourse. Done in the right way... Seems weird, though.

Edit: Maybe this is even a joke...
OI! The viola comment made me think.
That wóuld be cool. Some more orchestral-like songs featuring Cello and Viola/Violin for example
Those instruments are the best for emotional masterpieces
ah, looks like ive been owned by the forum then...

Sorry to offend all the 'true' Katatonia heads out there, I hang my head in shame.
Just stating my opinion as a listener of all 3 great bands...

The next album will be great whatever they do with it, growls or not. Katatonia is always a band who deliver.
I think it would be cool if some of the songs had a more shoegazey/spacey feel to them. Kinda like the ambient bits in Mithras songs, I can imagine with a load of reverb/delay on them Jonas clean vocals could work brilliantly with music like that.