Next Testament CD

What was that stuff CHuck was doing 1 maybe 2 years back. Was it country or rockabilly or something?
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Was it really? I must not have listened to it that well. I just remember him standing with some other musos at what might have been a party or something.
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Maybe that's why Testament don't come down here, vaping is still illegal down here I think.
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Oh no definitely not. They are still trying to fight for medicinal cannabis, some states want it some don't, but the leaf is definitely a no no. Strangely enough there is two or three tobacco farms that are legally allowed to grow the stuff for medicinal testing and they export the leaf to the US and Canada yet it's illegal to use it.
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Yeah they pulled that same grow for testing and export here for years. My friend got mushrooms when he went to Amsterdam the port label was Florida. Funny how tobacco is talks. It's legal here now in this state, but unlike Colorado and California there really aren't shops yet. Only two or three in the whole state.
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I've never had zero recall from any substance like I had from mushrooms 20 years ago. The only reason we could work out what we did that night was because we were taking photos form my cuz's first solo album and there was a collection of pictures from shit we didn't remember happening.

I don't think weed will ever be legal here, no government wants to be the one to authorise it and then try to explain car accidents or worse because of it. Sure those accidents are already happening but while the stuff is illegal the government aren't being told they caused those accidents by legalising it. It's a stupid argument given smack and ice are way bigger problems but governments aren't known for being rational.
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That's a very profound statement. I wonder if there is a final number on that statement. Like, will they continue still if the next album only sells one copy, because there is still an audience :)
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Hey I'm not convinced that I'm buying it yet :P

I would guess it would apply to everything. If for some reason Testament stopped selling albums it would be pointless to continue when there is other projects. Kicking a dead horse is easier when you have no other options but he has options.
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