Next Testament CD

Yeah I don't think so either. I don't think Brotherhood got rave reviews from everyone that got it but it was still a really good album and I don't think Testament could let us down like MC.
No I don't think they could either. Testament has only gotten heavier and fuller. Sometimes time away is a killer. That and Kurdt apparently being deaf. I honestly think they're having such a good time hanging out that everything sounds good to them. That's why they need a producer who isn't in the band.
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Yeah I guess Testament releasing something mellow and poor would be like Kerry King releasing pop music. They aren't known for it and even their not so great albums have still had a power and force behind them
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When he says he want's it to be more collaborative do you think he means Gene and Steve as well? Because only Alex is mentioned.
If he want's it to be more collaborative then all he has to do is make it that way, he's the song writer lol.
I hope he means everyone!. Eric rules!
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It would be good if it is everyone. I'm sure Chuck has some songs about weed :)
No idea how busy Gene is now that the Slayer tour has finished though. DA are still promising new works, he's quit Zimmers, but he still does a lot of things that could stop him from joining in.
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Whatever Gene's other projects are and how much he's toured with Testament he needs some writing creds to solidify that he's not just a hired gun and so does Steve. Let it be known Testament IS a whole band. This is Gene and Steve's main band.
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That's true enough but look at what Gene wrote as a part of DA when he had full control, I'm not sure if that would fit with Testament. I wonder if Gene does consider himself a hired gun, or if it's a case of he's the most important part of every band he joins.
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Personally I think anything heavy with Chuck and Eric playing on it would be awesome even if they didn't write the whole song. And you know, They can decide how much or little they want to let people write but even just having a jam and submitting ideas would be cool. I hope Gene and Steve don't feel like hired guns. Gene's done three albums with two consecutively and Steve's done two albums. And they're both monsters in the scene.
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Yeah it's a bit hard to know exactly where they are and what positions they all play. Hopefully though we'll get to see some collaborative work because they do need to see if they can all put something into the band. The last thing any band should want is to be reliant on only one or two players for all the songs.
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