Next Testament CD

I'm surprised how many people smoke in general. I used to smoke and when I was younger and drinking more I used to smoke more. I didn't notice any problems with my singing at the time, but I also wouldn't have claimed I was a good singer. However even in my thirties I knew smoking was effecting my voice because I could no longer yell abuse at other drivers without my throat hurting. How anyone that preforms on stage night after night, even sports people can still do it after years surprises me no matter what they smoke.
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I gave up about 10ish years ago and don't think I ever would if I'd still been driving the truck despite smokes now being about $1 a smoke. Working from 10pm to 10am and by myself most of the time I wouldn't have survived without the smokes. But the one thing I've never had is any weird side effects. I gave up cold turkey and never really felt the need to go back, but the smell of others smoking doesn't worry me, it also doesn't make me want to have one. I thought my first big drinking session after giving up was going to be hard, but even that wasn't a problem. I don't even get cravings now, whether I'm any healthier I don't really know.
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Haha yeah that would be tough as driver!
I gave up cold too, never looked back. I had never tired before. I always thought I wouldn't be able to.
Thankfully it wasn't and I haven't had any cravings.
You're lucky it doesn't bother you. When I smell one it just smells like poison to me. It's kind of overwhelming actually.
I don't know if I'm any healthier either lo!! But I do have more money! They are crazy expensive now!
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I gave up a few times over the years. Once I gave up for about a month and one night I fell asleep heading down the highway between two stops,woke up with one side of the truck off the road and hitting the marker post, I shit myself. The next stop was a 24hr servo where I bought a packet and chained smoked three smokes to wake myself up. Any other time I tried to give up wasn't really serious enough to work.
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Damn, man that would be freaky as hell!

I'm getting pretty excited for the new Testament. It's pretty cool that Gene has been to Eric's a few times. I can't wait to hear what they come up with. I wonder if Gene will contribute riffs or just drums. He should hang with Chuck and they could do some lyrics. I hope they bring Steve into the mix. Or at the least there is some cool stand alone bass on the album.
It is freaky, I've fallen asleep a few times behind the wheel and the most damage I've done is to a tree, but it's not something I would recommend, I was lucky, nothing else.

I'm trying not to think about it too much. I want it to be a killer album. I have been reading the press, but if I get excited I will be pissed off if they let me down so I'm keeping excitement at bay.

I hope Gene gets to offer more input, but at the same time Brotherhood was a really solid album if they follow it up with something equally as solid it's still a win.
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Brotherhood was a great album. But it is a little disjointed to me. Half a concept album and then just kind of randomness. The music is good and so are Chuck's melodies but the lyrics and subject matter on some of the songs ( Black Jack, Canna-business ) were lacking to me. And I think the bass could be a bit more pronounced. I'd like bit more speed and double bass on the next one. But Brotherhood is great. I listen to it all the time.
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Maybe what Kurdt needs is a Chuck of his own. He can stand behind him and slap him on the top of that chrome dome every time he considers producing something he's written.
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If he doesn't I'm going to take him to task. I'm going to fly to wherever the fuck he is an bop him on the end of the nose. The last things we need is another band going into the studio never to come out.
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