Next Testament CD

I suppose my problem is that I hear the term black metal and I just turn off. I remember giving Dragonlord a bit of a go but I also admit that whatever go I did give it would have been tainted by my thoughts that black metal is for retards :)
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Oh yeah I forgot about that interview. He posted on FB a few days ago that it was going to happen.

He better not be luring us into a trap. Anthrax was going to be aggressive, Megadeth never made their album (and apparently Kiko's doing solo tours) and now Gene's promising a killer kick arse album. If Gene lets me down on this and Dark Angel I'm going to take a tub of his protein powder and shove it up his arse so he wont need a drummers stool.
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Oh yeah I forgot about that interview. He posted on FB a few days ago that it was going to happen.

He better not be luring us into a trap. Anthrax was going to be aggressive, Megadeth never made their album (and apparently Kiko's doing solo tours) and now Gene's promising a killer kick arse album. If Gene lets me down on this and Dark Angel I'm going to take a tub of his protein powder and shove it up his arse so he wont need a drummers stool.
No worries mate :) Gene delivers.
I love that Gene goes to Eric's so much. That's way more than I expected.
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I remember a few months back when Gene filmed a short video walking into Captiol Records (I think it was) and the video followed him all the way to a studio for 'something special'. He never updated what that was, so I don't hold my breath for videos :(
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Yeah, I agree. I seem to remember him suggesting at the time that it was some sort of secret thing, but sheesh that must be 8 months ago now, how big of a secret can it be!

I do wonder if it was recording for DA because he, and the rest of the band, have been very quiet about anything other than birthdays. Before that he did kind of drop news and interesting bits about the band on a semi regular basis
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Yeah, I agree. I seem to remember him suggesting at the time that it was some sort of secret thing, but sheesh that must be 8 months ago now, how big of a secret can it be!

I do wonder if it was recording for DA because he, and the rest of the band, have been very quiet about anything other than birthdays. Before that he did kind of drop news and interesting bits about the band on a semi regular basis
Do you think DA would be on Capital?
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Yeah the weird thing is that the last 'official' thing I remember reading from the DA FB page, which I believe is run by him and his missus, was that he was leaving the band due to clashing schedules. But in the 12-14 months since he said that while he hasn't released anything official about an album etc he has been throwing various DA memorabilia around. So it doesn't appear he actually left, but it also doesn't appear they have done anything.
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