Next Testament CD

I don't want them but I'd be interested to see how much the glasses sell for. They are from all over the world but they are fairly generic too.
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On the video they look like they are mostly drink branded glasses. It was hard to see every one of them but most of the logos looked like drink companies rather than something collectable. There was some odd shapes but it really just looked like a really large glass collection of someone who'd pinched a glass from every pub he'd been in. I used to do that when I was 20 :)
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I'm not going to listen to snippets of albums I really want any more. I'm sick of the shit dragging out (Hello Megadave), I'm sick of the one word descriptors in the media (Hello Charlie and Scott) and I'm sick of bands releasing something that might not sound great and tainting what could be a good album (Death Angel). :P
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