Next Testament CD

Bahahahahaha you guys slay me!Singles these days just don’t seem to mean much,at least to me always thought they were the weaker tracks just to butter your muffin. I do really like the album though haven’t let it truly sink in yet.As far as The Gathering being revisited I think that Slammed hit the nail on the head,there doesn’t need to be another one and I don’t think there ever will be!
I want another one!! :cry:
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EP's used to be a lot better in the early days. Even the Jump In The Fire and Creeping Death EP's I have were better than what many bands offer today.
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Anthrax....I wonder what happened to them :)
Did you see the post in the Billy Milano section the other day suggesting that SOD clip with Scott, Charlie and Dan was going to start some sort of shit fight?
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Lol, I think they're just doing youtube videos now. Album scrapped ;)

No really? Why would that be?

Man is that guitar in Ishtar's Gate harsh. It really bugs me. It sounds like Steve Vai, who I like, but it's so in your face it's obnoxious to me.
Other than that the song seems cool. I'm still moving pretty slow with the album. Trying not to rush it.
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They are posting 'memorable moments' on Facebook :)

I have no idea what the person was trying to say. I presume he was suggesting that because Billy wasn't involved it would create some kind of noise from fans. Last I checked it has no responses so not matter what his point was it didn't make one.

Listen to it all back to back 10 times and then get back to us :P
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Haha the way they talk about Billy I think you could be right :)

I haven't listened to the album since last week some time. I should be listening to it rather than Pantera :)
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I don't even know what Billy is doing now. I know he or someone close to him was running and had some gigs lined up but I'm not sure they happened.

Curse (track 11) has a killer Chuck tone to it
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Yeah I doubt they happened. He seems like the kind of guy who wants to bitch about things but not really do anything about it. Not that I know him lol.

Yeah that's probably it. Catacombs is a waste though.
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Oh he definitely seems like that guy, I think you've pegged him well. The guy never seemed happy with anything SOD unless it was his idea. I like old MOD, I like SOD, but anything BIlly's done since about 2003 sucks and it's someone elses fault. He's huge now too, he was never skinny but holy shit the last pic I saw of him he was massive.

Interesting to see that Billy 'discovered' Testament and is credited as suggesting the name change from Legacy when they realised Legacy was being used by a jazz band. I wonder if they asked Alex if he was secretly in that jazz band :)

Yeah Catacombs kind of feels like it was just put there to make the album longer.
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When was the last time he actually did anything but bitch? lol. Oh I haven't seen a picture of him in years but it doesn't surprise me. The belly fits the attitude.

Haha thank god Skolnick wasn't into jazz yet! Or at least it wasn't seeping into his playing.

Yeah that's what it seems like to me. Eric just can't help using his Dragonlord keyboardist. Bleh.
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