Next Testament CD

I really like how erik's voice is sounding these days,however i have to agree with the comment about the guitars sounding a little thin.There is room for improvement,how about you?
Sorry,i missed your comment on the reply.Check out the overkill interview,some interesting facts i did not know.
I listened to the mixed (i think but unmastered) Saturday Night allright for fighting song from the Flotsam pledge site. To be honest, i'm a little disapointed. The bass guitar could be much louder, the guitars need more punch and the drums sounds a little "flat". Only AK delivers as usual. He sounds really good! I hope the final mix/remastering sounds better. This is one of my alltime fav. records. I wished they could do a remastering/remixing as they do with doomsday, sadly this will not happen. Anyway, FLOTSAM rules!
Who produces the record? Is it Michael Gilbert?
Back to Saturday mix, i heard it with my earphones and the bass is nearly not audible (the songs have some excellent bass lines on the original record) i miss the Gang shouts and piano in the chorus...we can hope 'till the final release.
You guys are sure you don't want to start a Flots admiration thread? Wait, actually we should start one for the next Testament album, 'cause this has already turned into a Flots worship chat :lol:

No offence meant, ofc. They're a good band and there are no Testament news. The places this particular thread has gone just keep surprising me.
I'm pretty sure the band has the producing credit.But Ralph Patlan did Ugly Noise and The Cold and now this.I remember thinking his list of band creds he had done previously was not very metal.
Mike Spencer said on pledge that Troy didn't play what he had written when he replaced him for "No Place" and did his own thing.So I don't even know what the bass will sound like.
I think they are changing way too much stuff.

High Priest!...shit.I mean one man! Don't worry buddy the fllotz talk will die soon enough.I'm not sure it a "worship" anymore lol