Next Testament CD

It would be cool if we got some more covers again, but I'd like 10 new tracks + 2 covers or something like that.
I think they'll do some bonuses this time too. It worked fine with DROE, so everybody will be down for it. I'm afraid they're not too far with writing the originals, though.
I still want Reign Of Terror re done! Since Chuck didn't get to do it on FSSD and Apocalyptic City since it wasn't remade at all.
By the way this brings me to a question.For some reason for years and years I always think of Reign Of Terror being on The Legacy.But it isn't.It's only on Live at Eindhoven/ Return to Apocalyptic City and FSSD.
So where the hell is it from?! Is it just a Legacy tune that never made it to an album? But then why is it on FSSD? And why wasn't it on the album? It's f'n awesome!

Hatriot's apparently did a cover of it to be released later, but I don't see why when Zetro re-recorded it relatively recently
Dear God no, no more Clemente. That guy was so limited in his playing ability when he was younger. At his current age, and that he doesn't play full time any more, he's probably at about Lars's level.

And Lombardo was Testament's best drummer. Then again, he's the best drummer any band that's had him has ever had.

Dave Lombardo is a legend, slayer are well daft for getting rid! Lombardo for testament! \m/
That was a very good listen. Thanks! Glad to hear Steve and Alex are getting along good. Can't wait to hear what music this killer line up comes up with together. Let's hope Eric will allow the other guys to have some input.
Heavier and faster sounds great to me! Question for bass players.How can he play the songs right on a 3 string bass?

