Next Testament CD

LOL,nah I was just wicked tired and didn't get the chance to listen to it yet.

I know what you mean,my friends mom just passed away,she was a real good friend.But you gotta keep going right? Horns up!!
Not at all!!!I just wish that Murphy,was able to breathe a little bit more on it.
Yeah I do too.But I'm afraid that in his condition I don't know if that is possible anymore,and that really sucks:(
Personally.I like things about both bands.Gotta love Chucks vocals and I gotta love Erics guitar.Hmmm if only there was a band that combined the two........:loco:
That's a hard one.Both are really great bands,but for me I would have to go with dragonlord for the norweigan black metal element because of that type of heaviness:headbang:
That was very cool of them,it really is a very moving song.Cold embrace has grown on me as well these days.