NFL 2008

Eli Manning has done nothing but get shit on for his entire NFL career. That he's performing better now and being praised for it hardly amounts to being overrated. You have to consider that he's 1) the face of a NY team franchise, 2) the reigning Super Bowl MVP, and 3) the brother of one of the biggest athletes in the world.
Eli is a shitty QB, doing good in playoffs though is something to be proud of I guess, but he's not a great QB.

And fuck Ryan Grant. 15 rushes and 20 yards against fucking Detriot? fuck fantasy football. it's all fucked
I might be getting Grant off of waivers... hopefully he will be good. Fargas went down and Ray Rice is my 3rd back. Adrian Peterson is my no. 1.

This Denver/SD game is great.
He's been playing very well since the playoffs last year. Before that, I didn't care for him at all and thought that he was greatly underperforming, but he seems to be coming into his own now. I think this has tons to do with his own person, as it seemed that his attempts to live up to his brother's legacy caused him to try to overperform, but now that he has confidence in his abilities, he has fell in nicely into his role, so I'm thinking that he'll continue to lead the Giants toward success. And now he actually will be leading, as opposed to not actively losing games like Rex Grossman.
Vinateri ftw (seen this before) as time ran out...nailed it. Colts looked awful again today...lucky and fortunate they won. Overall, a strange start to the season thus far.
They started to catch fire in the fourth quarter. The defense play outstanding, despite allowing Peterson to run for 120+ yards in the first half. The didn't give up any tds which saved the Colts' ass.

Like I said earlier, my power went out right when the Colts last drive started. As I'm sure you can imagine, I was freaking the fuck out.
Eli Manning is a good qb who is only going to get better. He got a lot of shit because he wasn't instantly good (remember, Peyton wasn't, either)