NFL 2008

That concept is just laughable. He put up 20 on the Dolphins and 10 on the Pats and he's great. At this point in his career, he's nothing but an average quarterback. If he didn't have Favre on the back of his jersey, nobody would even consider him as a top 10 quarterback.
How can you even compare the two right now? The numbers speak for themselves.
Comparing Favre to Romo shouldn't be allowed. Romo still has to prove he can win in the postseason and come on, Favre is easily one of the best (if not the best) to ever play the position.

Romo is great, but let's see how he handles the grass in Green Bay. Dome teams are always a step slower outside.
We don't play in a dome...

By the way, Romo has had 1 FULL SEASON!!!! Prove he can win in the playoffs? He's had 2 playoff games, and for the last one, his top 2 receivers were hobbled, and his 3rd blew 2 potential TD passes!
I'm not talking about 3 straight MVP Favre, I'm talking about 2008 NYJ Favre, and he's just an average quarterback at best.
Overall, no there is no comparison between the 2... but right now Romo is by far the better QB.
That concept is just laughable. He put up 20 on the Dolphins and 10 on the Pats and he's great. At this point in his career, he's nothing but an average quarterback. If he didn't have Favre on the back of his jersey, nobody would even consider him as a top 10 quarterback.
How can you even compare the two right now? The numbers speak for themselves.

favre can still throw a 50 yard bomb and land it on a dime. somthing romo will never be able to do, he couldnt even hit barber with that screen that would have sealed the game last night. also romo has good playmakers on his team, favre has the new york fucking jets
I hate the Cowboys based on their annoying fans, and the fact that they are one of the biggest band-wagon teams ever, and the fact that here in the south-west (AZ) they have a very strong fan base.

Also, I hate anything to do with cowboys, rodeos, and all that crap.
favre can still throw a 50 yard bomb and land it on a dime. somthing romo will never be able to do, he couldnt even hit barber with that screen that would have sealed the game last night. also romo has good playmakers on his team, favre has the new york fucking jets

What?!!! The 72 yard perfect touchdown strike to Owens just doesn't count I guess.You're right, Favre never misses a throw.. ever... he is remarkable. That's why they scored 10 points this week. You're criticizing Romo after a game in which he threw for 300 yards, 3 touchdowns, and his team put up 41 against a quality defense! God, I hate you irrational Cowboy haters. You're just retarded. It doesn't matter what the team does, they suck. In less than 2 years Romo has put up historically good numbers and made his team a Super Bowl contender. He throws for more than 300 yards almost every game, and was second only to Tom Brady in TD passes with 36 last year. Of course, that means nothing... that was all Owens and Patrick Crayton... who also suck because they play for the Cowboys.

Also, stop sucking Favre's balls. It's absolutely ridiculous the unwarranted praise he gets for accomplishing pedestrian tasks these days. At one time, yes, he was a great QB... but he's not any more! He's not even top 10! He is an average at best QB at this point in his career! Other than the name on his jersey, none of you have one reason to contradict this.

QBs better than Favre
E. Manning
P. Manning
Hell, I would even put Rodgers in this category.

edit: and it's principLE, you idiots, principLE.
What?!!! The 72 yard perfect touchdown strike to Owens just doesn't count I guess.You're right, Favre never misses a throw.. ever... he is remarkable. That's why they scored 10 points this week. You're criticizing Romo after a game in which he threw for 300 yards, 3 touchdowns, and his team put up 41 against a quality defense! God, I hate you irrational Cowboy haters. You're just retarded. It doesn't matter what the team does, they suck. In less than 2 years Romo has put up historically good numbers and made his team a Super Bowl contender. He throws for more than 300 yards almost every game, and was second only to Tom Brady in TD passes with 36 last year. Of course, that means nothing... that was all Owens and Patrick Crayton... who also suck because they play for the Cowboys.

Also, stop sucking Favre's balls. It's absolutely ridiculous the unwarranted praise he gets for accomplishing pedestrian tasks these days. At one time, yes, he was a great QB... but he's not any more! He's not even top 10! He is an average at best QB at this point in his career! Other than the name on his jersey, none of you have one reason to contradict this.

QBs better than Favre
E. Manning
P. Manning
Hell, I would even put Rodgers in this category.

edit: and it's principLE, you idiots, principLE.

ok coach phillips

romo only makes things happen because of the team around him. since owens is usually gettin double teamed its gonna leave someone open,his only quality is hes smart enough to find an open reciever, also his protection gives him all the time he needs but the fucker still cant hit a decent pass half the time besides a 10 yarder.
OK, you're just retarded. You make no fucking sense. Apparently you've never watched a Cowboy game before. Considering that one of Romo's best qualities is the ability to find receivers and deliver the ball down the field, I'm gonna go ahead and not consider your opinion. Apparently you didn't see the down field strikes he had to Witten, the perfect throw to Barber on the touchdown pass, the frequent times he hits Crayton on 20 yard routes, and his incredible ability to hit the 15 and out route... the hardest throw in the game of football. We have Owens, Witten, and Crayton in the passing game... and Crayton is an average receiver made better by his QB. I don't see your point about the weapons, we have some good ones, but without Romo they wouldn't be nearly as good as they are (see Bledsoe circa 2006). You can't make a case against Romo, other than a slight turnover problem... and that wasn't even the argument you made.

You obviously know nothing about football. Try to stick to topics you know about, like... well I don't know, really... you never really sound like you know what you're talking about.
QBs better than Favre
E. Manning
P. Manning
Hell, I would even put Rodgers in this category.

edit: and it's principLE, you idiots, principLE.

I agree with what you said about the Cowboys. Romo is one of the best QBs around right now and anyone claiming otherwise is blind.

The problem I do have is with this list of QBs you have that are better than Favre. Honestly, you are doing the same exact thing Romo haters are doing, except in regards to Favre. Favre is still a top 5 QB imo. The problem is he is on a completely different team than the Packers who he spent all but 1 year of his career. Don't you think that would cause a little bit of a problem? Don't you think he might make mistakes, or might not be as productive as a system that was created around him for years? I do.

As for the list, I don't know what you are trying to say here. Are you claiming all of those QBs are better than Favre this year, or better than him period? Either way, it's a pretty bad list. Taking into consideration what he has to deal with this season, claiming Rivers and Anderson are better than Favre is just bad. Anderson has been in that system for years and look at what the Browns are doing. At least Favre won his season opener with a team who's roster he's filled for only a month prior to that. I wouldn't even list Romo, Cutler, or Palmer...yet. Palmer deserves a bit of respect though. The guy is just rotting in Cincinnati. He could easily be a top 5 QB if his team wasn't full of morons.
I mean right now... definitely not overall.
Overall, only Manning and Brady are better than Favre.
But the only stretches on there are Eli, Anderson, and Hasselbeck. If Favre played for the Packers still, he would be better than those guys.

I don't judge players' talent off of emotion. For proof of that, I think McNabb is better than every QB but Manning right now... and I hate the Eagles more than anything on this Earth. I just don't see the modern day "greatness" of Favre. He gets credit for the simplest of plays. It gets really annoying hearing the announcer rave about how "no one else but Favre could make that play"... after he threw a screen pass.
He's a decent QB, not bad by any means, but he doesn't belong with Romo, McNabb, and Manning on top of the league.

10 years ago, yeah, he was great... one of the greatest ever, but right now he's just average.
hasn't Romo choked in every game that matters? :lol: fuck that loser he almost lost the game for Dallas the other night too, Philly just got stopped by their D twice and didnt get those early TDs