NFL 2008

I mean right now... definitely not overall.
Overall, only Manning and Brady are better than Favre.
But the only stretches on there are Eli, Anderson, and Hasselbeck. If Favre played for the Packers still, he would be better than those guys.

I don't judge players' talent off of emotion. For proof of that, I think McNabb is better than every QB but Manning right now... and I hate the Eagles more than anything on this Earth. I just don't see the modern day "greatness" of Favre. He gets credit for the simplest of plays. It gets really annoying hearing the announcer rave about how "no one else but Favre could make that play"... after he threw a screen pass.
He's a decent QB, not bad by any means, but he doesn't belong with Romo, McNabb, and Manning on top of the league.

10 years ago, yeah, he was great... one of the greatest ever, but right now he's just average.

Yeah I totally agree, he isn't on par with his early days. But the reality is, Favre at whatever his age is, is still better than a lot of other QBs right now.
hasn't Romo choked in every game that matters? :lol: fuck that loser he almost lost the game for Dallas the other night too, Philly just got stopped by their D twice and didnt get those early TDs

Yeah.. in every game that matters... in his 1 1/2 years as starter.
Forget the 2 TDs that Crayton gave away and that the 2 top receivers were playing hobbled. Forget the 11 offensive penalties. The drive killing Leonard Davis personal foul. Forget the total lack of protection from the offensive line in the second half, and the defense giving away the lead at the end of the first half on a 2 minute drive. Forget all that... it was Romo. Why aren't you on ESPN, you genius?

Of course the defense won the game on Monday. It's great that we have a defense that can get you a win when your offense can only put up 41. It's a real luxury. I get so frustrated watching my QB put up 3 TD and 300 yards, those numbers are just pathetic.
All I remember is he can't hold the ball on a field goal. But congratulations on being a cowboys fan boy. I can't wait to see you lose first round in the playoffs again with your amazing QB
Dude, what's with your stupid shitheaded posts lately? Do you think Marino is shit because he lost the first and only Super Bowl he ever played in? What about Jim Kelly and his four Super Bowl LOSSES? Cut Romo some goddamn slack already. He's accomplished so much in such a short matter of time it's insane. Especially if you consider where he came from...which is out of nowhere.
hes on the most funded team in football, what respect does he deserve? Im pretty sure any QB in his position would do just as well
Like Quincy Carter, Chad Hutchinson, Drew Henson, Clint Stoerner, Drew Bledsoe, Vinny Testaverde, Ryan Leaf... they were all stellar.
What does "well-funded" mean anyways? Are you aware that there is a salary cap?
I also like how being a Cowboy fan makes me a fan boy. You know nothing about the sport, what so ever. He's had 1 1/2 seasons at the helm of the most prolific franchise in the country's most popular sport. He had the dropped hold, but he also led us to the #1 seed and what should have been a playoff win last year.

By the way, how long did it take for Peyton to win a playoff game?
Oh, but he sucks too... you're right.

edit: The Vikings just reestablished themselves as a contender. Gus Frerotte will be their QB for the rest of the season. Savvy move, Tavaris Jackson is pretty much just not the answer there... he was actually hurting their team. Frerotte is solid. He won't win any games for you, but he won't lose them, either.
hes on the most funded team in football, what respect does he deserve? Im pretty sure any QB in his position would do just as well

You know nothing.

Romo is a very good qb. His pocket presence is ace and his throwing power as well as accuracy is amazing.

The guy makes a huge difference.

but you're probably one of those fucking morons who hardly understands the fundamentalism of football, and just talks so much shit it's coming out of your ears.
how can you watch Romo and say WOW HES SO GOOD? how is he more special than any other QB?

your a fan boy because you remember all the littlest details from a playoff game almost a year ago to this day :lol:
I was at the game... so yeah... I tend to remember it. Not to mention I'm actually majoring in journalism so I can go into sports writing when I graduate. I tend to know what I'm talking about when it comes to this, that's all that proves. I know the details of a lot of the playoff games last year.
Get the fuck out of this thread until you've watched a game of football. I'm not completely sure you grasp the concept of the game yet. Maybe grab a rule book, turn on the TV on Sunday. Just get up to speed with the idea of the sport before you try to post about it.
how can you watch Romo and say WOW HES SO GOOD? how is he more special than any other QB?

your a fan boy because you remember all the littlest details from a playoff game almost a year ago to this day :lol:

Dude, what the fuck. Seriously.
ok nj proving how Romo is a great QB
Tony Romo
Completions... 335
Attempts... 520
Comp. Pct... 64.4
Yards... 4211
Avg per attempt... 8.1
Touchdowns... 36
Interceptions.... 19
QB rating... 97.4

You've done a nice job proving he's not a great QB, by the way.
"But he bobbled the hold!"
Probably because you have no clue what you're talking about.
Who exactly do you consider a great QB?
Too many are way to quick throwing out the "great" tag on some of these young QB's...let it play out time will tell.

I offer this rating system...
can't throw it in the ocean from the pier
sucks dick
has no dick
really bad
consider on my fantasy team
real good
very good
worthy of buying a jersey
unbelievably good
tatoo worthy
one of the alltime best
the best
Godlike / Tom Brady!:)