NFL 2008

lol@people thinking the jets are good.
brady or not they still demolished the entire league last year, everyone on earth knows the superbowl was a fluke and brady choked. they still have a stacked team, maroney faulk moss and welker can make up for having a backup qb as long as he's decent and still take the division.

and come on...the new york fucking jets? theyre terrible with or without favre
Sucks that the Seahawks got their asses kicked last night. But whatever, our teams suck. Plus the Sonics are in Oklahoma for fuck's sake.
Jets barely beat Miami. They aren't going anywhere.

I'm excited for the Pack this year. Really shitty overall performance from the offensive line but Rodgers was fantastic. Also McCarthy disappointed me a few times
Mathiäs;7595419 said:
Jets barely beat Miami. They aren't going anywhere.

I'm excited for the Pack this year. Really shitty overall performance from the offensive line but Rodgers was fantastic. Also McCarthy disappointed me a few times

The vikings brought the pressure but most of the time rodgers was fast enough to run out of it. He's like a miniature favre that can run faster and plays smart instead of trusting his gut and throwing picks.
The vikings brought the pressure but most of the time rodgers was fast enough to run out of it. He's like a miniature favre that can run faster and plays smart instead of trusting his gut and throwing picks.

I didn't understand why McCarthy gave the ball to Jackson with 3 minutes left in the game. The defense had just made a good stop, and they run it with Jackson 3 times and get negative yards and a quick 3 and out.
Is Favre kicking himself? Story from and Peter King.

Not that it matters now, but something to think about? Many wanted and were saying (incl. the Commish) that Favre should stay semi-retired and see how the season plays out...contending teams with injuries, better scenerios, etc. A bit of a risk for Favre to sit and wait but maybe he should have and I kinda wish he he would be a Patriot and preparing to face the Jets this Sunday instead of the other way around.

Well, atleast I got Cassell.:yell:
Thanks. Not sure if anyone noticed, but my entire team shit the bed this weekend with the exception of Owens. Fucking ridiculous.

How was the race...hundreds of fuckin left turns?:lol:
I can't get into Nascar but will watch the superbowl of racing -the Daytona 500...a big event, a crowd, beer, I'm there.
Was your head spinning more from watching the race or realizing Da-Bears beat the Colts?
Mathiäs;7598229 said:
I didn't understand why McCarthy gave the ball to Jackson with 3 minutes left in the game. The defense had just made a good stop, and they run it with Jackson 3 times and get negative yards and a quick 3 and out.

My guess is he was just playing it safe and trusting the defense. We're all seen favre throw interceptions on must have pass plays i doubt he wants that to happen to rodgers or rodgers' reputation.

I'm so relieved rodgers is actually good, green bay always seems to build teams with potential and it would always fall apart. They'll defintly make the super bowl in the next 5 years if rodgers plays as good as he has so far(hopefully muchh better since he'll have more experience)
You think it might have been because Tavaris Jackson was the quarterback of the other team? I think I might take my chances against Tavaris Jackson with less than 2 minutes and no time outs.

he was actually making some good plays towards the end, and dont forget they also have adrian fucking peterson who turns short runs into touchdowns all the time
he could have gotten a screen to peterson, the vikings arent a drive the ball team, theyre a big play team with defense good enough for them to beat teams with terrible quarterbacks(teams just like themselves). Only thing im wondering is why jackson is still on the team/playing football in general