NFL 2008

What a fucking day. I had a feeling I was going to kick myself for going to that stupid race instead of watching opening day. I mean, the first time in 8 years I've missed opening day and Brady fucking tears his ACL (allegedly). The Chargers lose to the Panthers like I predicted (I'm a genius). And now the Colts are rusty as balls against da bearssssssss.

I almost felt bad for the guy, speaking of Brady that is. I hate seeing players go down to injuries like that. But the bad feeling I felt went away in about ten minutes replaced with anger and depression because I wasted a first fucking round pick on that douche in the UM Fantasy league, and of course he fucks me this week.

I think it's safe to say the Patriots dominance is a mere formality at this point. It was a good run you cheating fucks, enjoy the rest of your season.
What kinda Football fans go's to a Nascar race instead of watching NFL opening day?
Manning at home in the new stadium and gets outplayed and beaten by Orten the who ?:lol:
I did literally puke in mouth when hearing the news on Brady. Nobody should get too excitied or down and it is very early in the season. I'm not sure if the Pats will be dominant, but from what I've seen so far I still like thier competative chances and they are still the team to beat.
Mathiäs;7592398 said:
The Pats finally receive their comeuppance for all those cheating years

Its thier dominant years...not cheating. Your team does the same thing, every team has cameras all over the field and stadium. The NFL knows this and needs to fix it. Other GM's and league officials admittedly praise and take nothing away from the Pats organization and accomplishments...Why? All this when the Pats should supposably be criticized internally and they are not cause every team knows they do the same thing the Pats have done.

I say this as an NFL fan not just a Pats fan.
Weird week so far. I can't say I am pleased, though the Chargers did come very close to winning, but based on the stats I guess the Panthers win is nothing to feel too robbed about.

I am definitely unhappy about Brady's injury. I am sure we all prefer to win our conference by winning it and overcoming whatever teams are there, and not based on something like this. That said, I am sure I will be planty satisfied if the Chargers do it this year with Brady out or limited.

Sucks about the Colts losing. I usually like to see them win, especially against the NFC.

A lot of past meh teams look like they will make the season very interesting, at least in the AFC.
Its thier dominant years...not cheating. Your team does the same thing, every team has cameras all over the field and stadium. The NFL knows this and needs to fix it. Other GM's and league officials admittedly praise and take nothing away from the Pats organization and accomplishments...Why? All this when the Pats should supposably be criticized internally and they are not cause every team knows they do the same thing the Pats have done.

I say this as an NFL fan not just a Pats fan.

everyone on my fantasy team underpreformed and im more than likely going to win, gg. I probably am only close because my oppenent has Tom Brady :erk:. My only players to do at least as expected are McNabb and Bush and I didnt start either, facking gay.

Let's hope Grant and Young rape tonight, I need like 15 points. And I need to trade for Forte or a WR, not sure which..
Dallas looked very good yesterday. I hope Vince Young heals up soon for the Titans and I can't say I'm sad to see Brady seriously hurt and out for the year.
Dallas looked very good yesterday. I hope Vince Young heals up soon for the Titans and I can't say I'm sad to see Brady seriously hurt and out for the year.

I think Dallas is the best team in the NFL especially with Brady hurt.
Mathiäs;7594258 said:

Well, you can lol all you want, but I think the Pats should have been punished even more than they were. IMO the league officals looked into spygate and found it as a common practice by other teams and wanted to put it to rest in a hurry. Rival players, coaches, GMs, the Commish himself, many saying the Pats accomplishments should not be tainted and they are a great organization...I find that a bit strange if the Pats are such cheaters?

I would have thought the (league) criticsm and attacking of the Pats would have been more widespread. I know and understand the public hating the Pats...but the public doesn't have to watchout and be careful of casting stones like opposing coaches and teams do.
Fuck yeah! 10-3 Pack, and if the offensive line hadn't given up 70+ penalty yards they would have done even better.