NFL 2008

I just can't wait for announcers to say it.

"Ocho Cinco down the sidelines. He's at the 20...15...10...5...TOUCHDOWN OCHO CINCO!"
What a non-interesting game last night. Can't wait for Sunday. Match-ups I'm looking forward too...

NY Jets @ Miami
Chad Pennington vs old team, plus Favre of course.

Dallas @ Cleveland
Derek Anderson playing a rough D will be a challenge.

Carolina @ San Diego
Jake Delhomme with injury plus back with Muhammad

Arizona @ San Fran
Can Warner finally show his numbers from St Louis? He has the WR's.

Indy @ Chicago
Are Manning and Harrison ready for 08?

Green Bay @ Minn.
Can Rodgers lead the team? Can Minnesota's D finally stop the pass?

Pretty much all games in week one are exciting.
Hope I hear, "Chad at the 20...the 10...the 5...uh-oh...oh-no...Ocho Cinco just blew out his ACL-O"
what do you guys think, McNabb this week or Roethlisberger? Pit is playing Houston and Philly is playing STL but Mcnabb really only has Westbrook amiright?