NFL 2012

Naturally, I think the Patriots signings are hilariously bad yet again. Ochostinko will be decent, but he's not going to produce as well as most people think he will. The Patriots offense is set up completely different from the Moss era. They don't need a deep threat, they need a slew of good route runners who can catch intermediate passes and dump offs. If they continue to try and perfect that style of offense they were running in the second half of last season they'd be unstoppable. Adding Ochostinko to the mix didn't do anything for them at all imo.

Barring injury, of course, Chad will have a huge impact with the Patriots. What you're missing is that the Patriots can run both systems (deep & short). They didn't have the receivers (by choice) to do it last year and they were still one of the top O's in the league. I think this signing proves that getting rid of Moss, although old and becoming a nuisance was a mistake and having a dynamic receiver is what they need.

Chad Johnson will not only be a significant deep threat and dynamic receiver but he will open up the field for Welker, Hernandez and the rest of that crew.

Everyone always talks about how the Patriots are "crafty" and "steal players," well, I'm here to say that the Fat Albert signing was a waste of a fifth round pick. The dude is a complete boob, no matter where he's played, PERIOD. I don't give a shit if he is playing for Belichick or god himself. Everyone said the same shit about Randy Moss until he reverted back to the real Randy Moss and did nothing but talk about Randy Moss because Randy Moss is all about Randy Moss. It's going to be the same thing with Haynesworth. He'll be a good teammate and hard worker for the first 6-10 games and then after that, WHAMO! He'll revert back to the lazy dumbshit he is and will be cut after year one, especially if the Patriots go anything resembling adversity, which is inevitable because all teams do. I guarantee it.

Um, yeah and he also destroyed records with Brady and went 18-1. "It's going to be the same thing with Haynesworth." Oh so in other words he's also going to break the sack record and have a ridiculous number of tackles in the backfield. Oh, well, O.K. This part of your post actually makes sense!

I'm delusional.


edit: Peyton was re-signed. Five years for $90 million. They also cut Kelvin Hayden (he had a pick six in Super Bowl XLI) and long time starter OT Ryan Diem.

lololol I love how your post had to end with a little Colt news. It's so obvious how hard you hate the Pats and what a fanboy you are :p
Bears grabbed Marion Barber and a DT from the Texans Amoki Okoye
Bears D line is looking solid.

need to work on the O line. Im reading that Kreutz the Center wont be back. So that's a start.

Isn't Barber a running back? I can't see him getting reps ahead of either Chester Taylor or Matt Forte. I have mixed feelings about Kreutz. He is getting old, but at this point he is the best option in my opinion. Da Bears should have drafted his replacement a couple of years ago and given the guy time to develop. I think we can say that Chris Williams is a bust. Another DT? Hope he isn't undersized, injured or a bad fit for the bears defense.
The Pats gave up barely nothing to get Ocho and Haynesworth. They compile late round picks every draft so I'm not concerned about losing a 5th and 6th pick. They have changed thier thinking to a point as far as bringing in questionable guys. In that they figure its a get out of jail card for a player so to speak and try it the Patriot way for a change. If it doesn't'll be bye bye to said player rather qiuckly. Ocho should be fine here. And I don't think they necessarily got him to replace Moss or will use him in the same way they did Moss...this is a good thing imo.

weeks quotes...
Ocho on going to NE..."its good to be in heaven"

Manning on staying in indy (like he'd be going anywhere else?) ..."my final down ever will be as a colt"
-in wich i'm guessing he'll proceed to throw a final INT lol
So Randy Moss Retired....good riddance in my opinion. The man had the skills and talent to be the best ever...but attitude.. predisposition to thuggish behavior tarnished his career.

Bears chose not to go with Olin Kreutz and instead signed Chris Spencer from the Seahawks. Anybody else worried about Detroit and their two first round defensive tackles?
Wow, the Colts just signed three former first round picks all in the same day. Tommie Harris (Da Bearssss), Ernie Sims (Lions, Eagles), Jamaal Anderson (Falcons). These guys are all under 30 too. Wtf is going on here?
Wow, the Colts just signed three former first round picks all in the same day. Tommie Harris (Da Bearssss), Ernie Sims (Lions, Eagles), Jamaal Anderson (Falcons). These guys are all under 30 too. Wtf is going on here?

All excellent pick ups. If Harris gets it going mentally they would be scary.
There are some heavy knocks on all three guys. First off, according to most Bears fans, Tommie Harris has lost about 10 steps in half as many years in the league. I remember a long time ago before he was drafted that scouts said he had the body of a 35 year old, so that makes him what, 40ish? lol

Ernie Sims apparently can't cover a dead fly and is often times out of position on plays, but he's a big hitter and a fiery player, along with Harris, so maybe, just maybe, they won't suck too bad.

And of course Jamaal Anderson, who was a top 10 pick who just didn't live up to the hype at all.

All of these guys could revitalize their careers, and I hope they do obviously, but it will be interesting.
I've watched nearly every Bears game since 2005. Tommie Harris hasn't been worth a damn since he signed a huge contract with the Bears back in 2008. Either he has no desire or his body is done. I thought lining up to next Julius Peppers last year would help Harris regain pro-bowl form, but it didn't happen. Some commentator called Harris a blind dog in a meat house last year. If he doesn't have a great year for the Colts he will probably find himself out of football.

It seems like a lot of teams are releasing their has-beens and washouts. Other teams are sifting through the garbage and signing them to 1 year deals. It should be an interesting season.
There are some heavy knocks on all three guys. First off, according to most Bears fans, Tommie Harris has lost about 10 steps in half as many years in the league. I remember a long time ago before he was drafted that scouts said he had the body of a 35 year old, so that makes him what, 40ish? lol

Ernie Sims apparently can't cover a dead fly and is often times out of position on plays, but he's a big hitter and a fiery player, along with Harris, so maybe, just maybe, they won't suck too bad.

And of course Jamaal Anderson, who was a top 10 pick who just didn't live up to the hype at all.

All of these guys could revitalize their careers, and I hope they do obviously, but it will be interesting.

Ernie Sims is going to be your typical Colt linebacker ( outside of Brackett, of course.) decent. Plus like you said once in a while Sims can provide a major spark, esp against the run. He's not a bad zone defender, when the Eagles played the Giants I remember him destroying short zones over the middle.

You're taking a shot with Harris but fuck why not! The guy could easily make an impact on 3rd down.

Anderson is going to help against the run. Guy is a fucking beast, I wouldn't be surprised to see him in at DT.

Imagine on 3rd down and long - Freeney Anderson Harris Mathis ( with Sims blowing up the A/B gaps or delaying on the outside)

I'm willing to post extensively about the Steelers this season for anybody that is interested, which I think could be interesting even to those who are not a fan of the team to get a (layman's) in-depth analysis of one particular team, especially for those that don't really follow any team particularly closely.

If not I'll just keep it to myself.
Tommie Harris is done. Hasn't been good since the Super Bowl season. Without his name, he would have been cut in '08. Poor discipline, multiple team rules violations and suspensions, constant health problems, and poor performance when supposedly healthy. Good riddance. Was an incredible asset at his peak, but I doubt he has the body or mind to produce in any situation at this point.

Dodens, I'm wondering how you could be ready to say a great deal when it's so early on. I can't imagine you have that great of an idea of how new players will be integrated at this point. Unless turnover is really low, I'd want to wait a few more weeks before assessing my team. Maybe the fact that the Bears are swapping in a lot of new players is skewing my perspective.

Maybe I just misread your post and you are suggesting it'll be over the course of the year. My mistake. I actually would read that, provided it's not prohibitively long each week. I like good sports discussions, and no one cares enough about any of the other sports much on this forum, and people are too dumb on other forums.
I did mean throughout the season, although I do feel like I have plenty to say already. The Steelers will not have any new starters this year. The only (non-undrafted) free agent not of their own that they signed is a tight end that quite frankly may not even make the roster. Excluding the draft class, I can't see any more than 5 or 6 players even having a chance of making the 53 man roster, and I would be surprised if half even make it, so, in all honesty, I do have a very good understanding of where the Steelers are, since their perennial strength is their stability. I've already made a projected 53 man roster and practice squad that I believe will be at least 95% accurate.
I have no idea what's going on with the Colts which is a strange feeling truthfully. I generally have a firm grasp of how this team is by this time in the year. I have a feeling this season in general is going to epic for the NFL, and I can't wait until the Super Bowl. And if the Colts by some miracle actually make it that far? Holy fuck, I'll sell my soul to go to that.
I really hope Harbaugh and the 49'ers can get Alex Smith to become a halfway decent QB.
He has some good offensive weapons to throw to.
Edwards, Crabtree, Vernon Davis, and then Frank Gore