NFL 2012

Ah, yeah, forgot about Hamilton. Also Chad Bratzke.

Now onto Steelers news, it appears the Limas Sweed experiment in Pittsburgh has reached a conclusion. They waived him injured, along with an UDFA TE on the PUP list (acronyms ftw), to make room for some camp body DBs that nobody seems to have any hope for whatsoever, even though I don't think they're bad players. Kevin Dockery (played for the Giants for several years) and Macho Harris.

Anyway, the Steelers play the Eagles tomorrow night on Fox. If anybody is going to watch and actually give a shit, here are a couple of players that might be interesting to watch as they try to prove their worth to the team:

1. #66 Tony Hills. He will be starting the game at the RG position, but was drafted as a tackle in the '08 draft. He has up until this year never shown himself, but the coaches see something in him now. Even I have to admit that he looked fairly impressive against the Redskins last week. He played all of the 2nd quarter at LT and handle Brian Orakpo for the whole quarter for the most part. He then played most of the rest of the game at RG and looked really good, but of course this was against lesser players. He has the chance to finally prove himself.

2. #82 Jerricho Cotchery. Cotchery has according to all reports I've read looked really good in camp and should see a lot of playing time. Cotchery gives the Steelers a legitimate 5 man stable of receivers once Emmanuel Sanders gets healthy.

3. #84 Antonio Brown. Brown was a 6th round pick last year drafted almost as an afterthought, but he has not allowed the coaches to forget about him. He worked his ass off hard during the offseason and has been granted increased opportunities while Sanders is down and while Ward was recovering from his thumb surgery. He looked really good against the Redskins, catching 4 of the 6 passes thrown to him, with the 2 incompletions coming on a defensive holding call and an overthrown ball by Leftwich. His route running is much more precise and crisp from last year and he's showing some ability to block as well.

4. #23 Keenan Lewis. It's really coming down to the wire for Lewis. This is his third year in the system after being drafted in the 3rd round, and he's been in Tomlin's doghouse more often than not, making it difficult for him to earn playing time. With both starting CBs down for the game, it will be Lewis and William Gay starting off, so it's getting pretty damn near make or break time in my opinion. He seriously runs the risk of not making the team this year because Taylor, McFadden, and Gay are locks already, Crezdon Butler was a draft pick only last year and has shown potential, and Curtis Brown and Cortez Allen are both new draft picks and it's rare that a rookie draft pick doesn't make the roster. It will be interesting to see what happens with the CB position once the final roster is made. I'm kind of hoping that they just try to sneak Cortez Allen onto the practice squad for this year, but that's up to Lewis.

5. #40 Curtis Brown. Rookie third round CB that has some legitimate man cover skills, which the Steelers lack outside of Ike Taylor (and potentially Keenan Lewis). If Brown can really step up and secure the nickel spot at some point this season, that would be a big boon for the Steelers, but realistically, he would be lucky to even see the dime this year the way the Steelers are. Many in the Steelers blogosphere are high on this kid, but tomorrow will be the first look we get of him. He's been dealing with an illness and a hamstring issue most of camp and didn't play last week.

Also, I just want to comment on the absurdity of the Steelers' CB situation right now with respect to injuries. #1 CB Ike Taylor broke his thumb against the Redskins and should miss the rest of the preseason, though he might practice once the stitches heal from his surgery yesterday. #2 CB Bryant McFadden has been battling hamstring and quad injuries pretty much all of training camp. Prospectively #4 CB Keenan Lewis also dealt with a lingering hamstring issue and now has a quad issue that will hopefully be kept under control, but he has not missed any practice yet from this latest injury. #5 CB Crezdon Butler has also battled hamstring issues and injured HIS quad during the Redskins game and has already been ruled out for tomorrow. #6 CB rookie Curtis Brown had an illness early in camp and then suffered a hamstring injury that he's only now getting over and will finally get to play. On the other hand, #7 rookie CB Cortez Allen has already been ruled out as well for tomorrow, also battling hamstring/quad injuries. So out of all the CBs on the roster right now, of the top 7, only the #3, #4, and #6 CBs are healthy enough to play right now. So I'm hoping the Eagles' pass attack has an off night...
You're acting like they signed him to a 5 year deal with guaranteed money. They signed him to a one year deal, genius. If anything he's worth a shot and will make an impact on special teams.
I've been a fan of both pretty much since I started paying attention to football some time around 94-95.

DODS yer killin me! Its- love your team and hate the rest when it comes to the NFL. You know I grew up loving the Steelers (in the 70's). And this was before I even knew who or what the Patriots were...wich wasnt much at the But that stopped when I was like 10 years old. I either could have stuck as a Steeler fan or simply got my ass handed to me by my older siblings...after my (loyal Boston fan) Father ripped said ass off!

Its not like I'm still a fan of the Steelers, regardless that I loved the black and yellow uni's as a kid and didnt know any better. Or because of the likes of Bradshaw, Stallworth, Swan and thier titles et al. They're an AFC rival for the Pats. Some great games have been forged between the two teams and I simply hate the Steelers as I do the Colts, Jets or any other opponent on a given sunday.
As much as I miss football, I've refused to watch any of the preseason games. They're just so completely useless and boring that even my football addiction can't force me to watch them anymore. That's even including the first few minutes of the first quarter when the starters are out there.

I think I've said this before, but this is the first year that I'm totally unsure of how this Colts team is going to perform. It's all dependent on when Manning gets healthy obviously, but there are a lot of changes to this team that could be good but could also be just as bad.

That's my hard hitting analysis of the week.
I don't understand how somebody that appears to understand football as well as you do can claim that preseason games are "so completely useless".
I agree that preseason is a joke. It serves a purpose for the coaches and organizations, but not so much for the viewer. I can't believe people actually pay money for the tickets to attend the preseason games. Wins and losses don't really mean too much in the preseason, for example, the 1985 Chicago Bears team that went 15-1 and won the Superbowl lost 3 of their 4 preseason games.
Maybe not to the casual viewer, but fans that really care about their teams should be more interested in seeing for themselves how the depth plays. Preseason games tell you a lot about a team in ways that are not measured by a win or a loss. Really, scores are almost meaningless in the preseason, but that's not the point. Position battles are decided, depth get quality reps to prepare themselves for the future should they need to step in due to injury, etc. When I watch the preseason, I'm much more interested in seeing Stevenson Sylvester, Curtis Brown, Chris Scott, Antonio Brown, and Jonathan Dwyer than I am LaMarr Woodley, Ike Taylor, Maurkice Pouncey, Mike Wallace, and Rashard Mendenhall. I understand that for casual fans the preseason is not very interesting from a viewership perspective with nothing tangible on the line for the entire organization. I'm just surprised that a football fan like you (Richard) is so indifferent toward it that's all.
I completely agree. If you have the ability to focus preseason can actually be really fun. When I watch preseason I'm watching those individual players who I think should thrive against 2nd and 3rd string talent. Jacobs was one of those guys 4-5 years ago. Today it's Andre Brown, Greg Jones, Stacy Andrews, Linval Joseph, Jacquian Williams etc.

Also special teams is ssssoooo important in the preseason. I mean I'm analyzing our two punters the vet Steve Weatherford vs the young Matt Dodge.
I don't enjoy watching second or third stringers because: 1) Most of them won't even make the active roster, 2) it's the equivalent of watching a high school game, 3) no matter what conclusion I make about how they play it doesn't matter in the end because I don't call the shots. I'd rather just wait for the rosters to be settled and watch players in real game situations play. And since the Colts are one of the most injured teams in the league, this happens every year so it kind of makes the preseason even less meaningful.

Also, I try to stay away from the slobfests that take place in the preseason. A perfect example is how all of the media outlets are praising the Patriots for how bad that trounced the Bucs last night, as if it means something, because it doesn't, at all.

Fun fact(s): Since 2008, the best preseason record belongs to the Lions (10-2). The worst? Indianapolis at 2-11. The best regular season record? Indianapolis (36-12). The Lions are the worst at 8-40. Of the top 7 preseason records since 2008, three of them belong to the worst teams in football over that same stretch (Detroit, Saint Louis, Seattle). Another team, San Fransisco is also under .500 in that stretch.
I'm just surprised that you feel that way, no big deal. For me, I really enjoy the preseason because I know that when I'm watching the backups, I'm watching the future of the team. It means next to nothing to me who wins, it's about individual performances. Like last night Tony Hills got a chance to start at RG and LT while the Eagles were playing their first team defense. That is a major test for one of the candidates to open the season as the starting RG. And like I said about backups, it interests me to see how the starters of tomorrow for my favorite team are developing. I also want to know if they're ready to step up should injuries occur during the season, which, like you said, they always do. In a couple years, it's going to be Ziggy Hood and Cameron Heyward at the defensive end positions, not Aaron Smith and Brett Keisel. James Farrior won't be the strongside ILB much longer; maybe one or two more seasons. Behind him is Stevenson Sylvester. Curtis Brown is a future starting cornerback; maybe Keenan Lewis as well. Marcus Gilbert is the left tackle of the future. These things really interest me. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the Steelers so actively groom their draft picks for future roles that it's easier for me to enjoy watching these backups play.

BTW, Jimmy: When the hell did Sinorice Moss sign with the Eagles?! I liked that guy. Suddenly I feel less confident in the Giants' receiving corps. I don't really feel all that great about people like Victor Cruz and Domenik Hixon or a rookie as the #3.

Anyway, I'll comment on the Steelers game last night later, which I'm sure everybody has been anticipating for the past 12 hours.
I despise the Steelers. Mainly because I don't care for their starting QB. I do admire the way Pittsburgh identifies and develops the talent that it gains through the draft. I think Pittsburgh drafts as well if not better than any other team in the NFL. I guess it makes sense to watch Steelers preseason games to see the future of the team.

How many other teams can say that though? Certainly not the team I follow, the Chicago Bears.
BTW, Jimmy: When the hell did Sinorice Moss sign with the Eagles?! I liked that guy. Suddenly I feel less confident in the Giants' receiving corps. I don't really feel all that great about people like Victor Cruz and Domenik Hixon or a rookie as the #3.

Moss never did anything worth mentioning. He's small and can't fight off the bump for shit. The guy might be a decent returner.

I'm still upset about Steve Smith. I can't believe we lost such a core player the way we did to the fucking Eagles!
Oh yeah, so about that Steelers game the other night.

Well, for anybody else that watched it, it should be obvious that there is not a ton to complain about. Roethlisberger played very well, playing for two series and throwing two 20+ TD passes in the process. He looks very sharp so far, and with the deep receiving corps now at his disposal, he may be lined up to have his best season (statistically) since he entered the league. Rashard Mendenhall looks to be as good as he's been as well. Antonio Brown is still improving every week. Jerricho Cotchery looked pretty impressive in his first game with the Steelers as well.

The Tony Hills at RG experiment ended fairly abruptly for the most part, as projected starting LT Jonathan Scott took a helmet to the knee on the first play of the game, forcing Hills to move over the LT for the remainder of that series. Then rookie 2nd round pick Marcus Gilbert took over the spot for the next two series, only to injure HIS knee, forcing Hills to shift back over to LT again. He didn't look all that great at LT either unfortunately, though he did look better at RG. There's a reasonable chance that he starts the season there.

The defense forced 5 turnovers and only allowed one play of 20+ yards, and that was against the 3rd QB with less than 5 minutes to go and a 24 point lead. Aaron Smith didn't play, so Ziggy Hood started opposite Keisel. Cameron Heyward was pretty consistently around the ball when he got in the game. The CB position had a pretty good showing as well, in particular Keenan Lewis and UDFA Donovan Warren, who is really pushing for a roster spot now. Rookie Curtis Brown turned in a decent performance as well, though it looks like he needs to learn to turn his head to the ball earlier. It's clear that he has man coverage skills superior to most of the other CBs on the roster though. Also, yeah, Polamalu looked good...
Eh, Cutler threw the ball pretty well. He's still getting way too much pressure though, and I kind of doubt it will get much better during the season. Not enough of the defensive regulars were out there for me to be worried about that. The kick coverage was abnormally poor though. I still hate this new kickoff rule.

So I guess the Giants lost their CB Thomas for the year to an ACL tear. That sucks, but what are they doing running a corner blitz in the final two minutes of the half in a pre-season game. This is why good teams lose in the pre-season, because they don't even remotely try to exert valuable commodities. Certainly you can't overthink the fluky nature of injuries, but that's one I'd be upset with the coaches about.