NFL 2012

It's hard for me to believe how good Luck is playing. I've been reading in various places that he's being considered for MVP, which to me is fucking insane. He's the clear cut Rookie of the Year though.

I love how no one is talking about RGIII anymore though after that monster first game he had.
I'm not typically one to make a big deal about officiating, but there were numerous calls in the first half the the Giants-Steelers game that were, to be generous, questionable. Though the better team on the day clearly won.
Honest question to everybody, even though I doubt many read all of my recaps: since I cover both Giants and Steelers games, should I write up separate recaps for each team, or just write one?
Honest question to everybody, even though I doubt many read all of my recaps: since I cover both Giants and Steelers games, should I write up separate recaps for each team, or just write one?

I'd say writing a singular one (well) would be more indicative of you being able to operate and execute without bias. It only warrants two pieces if there is enough information spread between the two teams and the games importance to them.
I'm beginning to wonder why the Cowboys don't run no-huddle more often. Garrett's bad play calling certainly isn't getting them anywhere. Carter is playing great, but I'm starting to see the same defensive breakdowns that were a common occurrence last year. Still, Dallas is coping well considering their injuries.
I'm beginning to wonder why the Cowboys don't run no-huddle more often. Garrett's bad play calling certainly isn't getting them anywhere. Carter is playing great, but I'm starting to see the same defensive breakdowns that were a common occurrence last year. Still, Dallas is coping well considering their injuries.

There's simply no way to cover up how bad that o-line is playing as a unit. Jerry was hoping he could change o-line coaches and get lemonade out of the lemon FAs, and get improvement out of free. Well, none of the gambles on the oline have payed off whatsoever. Maybe next year, but hopefully with some fresh new, 1/2 round draft pick faces in there.
Jerry Jones locked out of locker room after Falcons game.


Well Jason, it was nice knowing ya. I wonder who the next stellar leader of "America's Team" will be.

I saw that. I wonder if it was a mistake or not. I also had a LDO moment when Jerry said he would have fired himself. Take a hint from yourself Jerry.

Anyway, I think Garrett is going to have a stellar career from more of an organizational perspective. He appears to be INTJ all the way, which especially explains his systematic approaches and structure, as well as his inability to adjust well on the fly. He is going to need time to grow if Jerry insists on leaving him in the OC capacity as well, but I think it will be worth it. All this "Garrett or Romo?" garbage after every loss is stupid 24/7 media barrel scraping.

All this does is remind me that Isaac Redman and Jonathan Dwyer don't have breakaway speed. :bah: I can't wait to see what Rashard Mendenhall can do behind the Steelers' new offensive line for a full game and at full health. Dwyer ran for 122 and 107 yards and then Redman ran for 147 yards in the last 3 games, and I just can't help but feel Mendenhall would've had the speed to finish some of their big runs.

Anyway, the Steelers have been averaging 155 rushing yards per game in the last 3 games. In the first 5 games they were rushing like 74.8 yards per game or something like that. That's more than double. Todd Haley's really found his groove when it comes to the running game. It's just too bad that every single god damn one of the Steelers' 5 running backs is now injured.
Broncos record: 5-3
Peyton's yards: 2,404 yards

Colts record: 5-3
Luck's yards: 2,404 yards



I'm not sure how I feel about that. Granted, Peyton is blowing Luck out of the water in every other stat, but still. That's fucking crazy.
Steelers are a great team and am not going to deny that, but I really thought the Giants were going to have no problem with them at all. I hate when the Giants lose.

I don't know how in the hell that was upheld as a fumble.

The NFL rule book states: NFL Rule 3, Section 22, Article 2, Note 2. When [an offensive] player is holding the ball to pass it forward, any intentional forward movement of his arm starts a forward pass, even if the player loses possession of the ball as he is attempting to tuck it back toward his body. Also, if the player has tucked the ball into his body and then loses possession, it is a fumble.
It doesn't even look like he lost control of it at the beginning. Had he, I'd say it would be a valid fumble, but he didn't really lose control until he was in the throwing motion.


FUCK YEAH SAINTS! Our defense still gives up a lot of fucking yards, and Mike Pick and the Eagles offensive line sucked it up big time which lead to us having such a good game, but man what a huge performance. 7 sacks, a pick six, and a fumble recovery! Eagles fans were calling for Foles, which would've been hilarious. There would've been at least 3-4 more sacks this game if he was in there instead of Vick.
The rule specifies that if a "passer loses possession of the ball while attempting to recock his arm, it is a fumble."

OK, so what is a recock and what is possession?

Rule 3-2-7-1 defines possession as a player's "firm grip and control" of the football. After contact with Umenyiora, it is possible that Roethlisberger lost his firm grip/control, therefore losing possession.

That hot mess of interpretation combined with the need for "indisputable visual evidence", and it's a fumble.

Not saying I agree. Just sayin'.
Even if that were true, it says "any intentional forward movement of his arm starts a forward pass, even if the player loses possession of the ball", which is clearly the case. I wish Mike Pereira still worked for the NFL and did those weekly "this is how we didn't actually fuck up even though we actually did fuck up" videos. I mean, he's clearly not just shotputting the ball forward to fake a pass attempt. The way I read the rule, it basically says that as long as there's some semblance of control at some point between the very beginning of a forward pass and the completion of a "tucking" action, whatever the fuck that is, it is a forward pass and not a fumble. It's hard to speculate, but it looks like he's trying to pump fake so that he can re-grip. Anyway, that's the last I'm going to say about it. The Steelers won, and I feel fine with the Giants losing after the entire NFC East did them a favor by losing too, so they still have a 2.5 game lead.