NFL 2012

Reminds me of the last Wade Phillips season......

As far as Romo, considering he's probably going to be one of the first 6 guys to post a 5k season behind the worst line in the NFL, rumors of his demise have been highly exaggerated. He is playing lights out right now. Unfortunately, the defense is mostly comprised of guys who were sitting on a couch somewhere when the season started. Unless RGIII actually is hobbled, I foresee a similar outcome as the first meeting.

edit: Cruz made the Pro Bowl over Bryant? What a fucking joke.

The pro bowl has always been a joke, why would you even waste your time looking first off, and secondly getting annoyed at the selections?
The picks were bad, but all the dropped balls are a carryover from the Saints game. Austin has simply not been worth the money since his big contract. Doesn't help to watch Morris gash, at will, the worst defense in the league over the last 8 games.

Edit: I wonder if it's just the pressure the Redskins have gotten on Romo that caused the picks vs his performance against other teams. Since the Bears game, 5 of the 6 picks Romo has thrown came against the Redskins. There has to be a reason for this oddity. So half of his picks for the season were to two teams in three games. Whatever is the reason for that needs to be corrected in the offseason.
The reason is Romo is Romo and the Cowboys will NEVER win anything with him.

Could have said that about Peyton for a few years. Romo had the unfortunate position of seeing several of his years squandered in the Wade debacle and then a rookie coach, and now having the most injured defense I've ever seen (for the latter half of the season) and a patchwork line all season. Two of the three picks tonight were with pressure in his face (middle of the pocket collapsed), and those two were to checkdowns. Sure, he could have just taken the sack on the checkdowns, but the way the receivers and line were playing I don't know if that would have been any better.

My hats off to the Redskins defense and the Oline. I figured the Redskins would win, wasn't rocket science. Possibly the hottest team in the NFC packing the #1 rushing offense going against current worst defense in the league (since Week 8). I do think the Pistol offense is going to decline in success next year, just like the Wildcat did after the novelty wore off and defensive coordinators have an offseason to prepare.
Ahh no hes not. Yet please dont mention him and Romo in the same breath again.

Lol. Death taxes and Romo having a killer brain-fart when it matters most.
Thanks for the help Colts...nice rooting for you for the first time in my life. Happy for coach Pags today.
"When it matters most". Doesn't matter what game of the year it is, what the situation is, all of Romo's turnovers get this label. Gets really old. Conversely, all his GWDs and comebacks somehow don't matter. As someone on ESPN pointed out, the Cowboys wouldn't even have been in these win and in games in the last few years without Romo's play. Unfortunately, he can't make Patrick Crayton (or any of his receivers) catch wide open passes.

Edit: On the positive side, the loss drops them to finish third in the division, which is better than being one and out in the playoffs. Garrett has been turning over the roster, and that needs to continue. Starting with the Oline. Higher DPs help.
"When it matters most". Doesn't matter what game of the year it is, what the situation is, all of Romo's turnovers get this label. Gets really old. Conversely, all his GWDs and comebacks somehow don't matter. As someone on ESPN pointed out, the Cowboys wouldn't even have been in these win and in games in the last few years without Romo's play. Unfortunately, he can't make Patrick Crayton (or any of his receivers) catch wide open passes.

Edit: On the positive side, the loss drops them to finish third in the division, which is better than being one and out in the playoffs. Garrett has been turning over the roster, and that needs to continue. Starting with the Oline. Higher DPs help.

How is coming third in your division somehow better than losing the division title in the last game of the season to two rookies and missing the playoffs completely considering coming in third in the division was a result of that? You make no sense my friend.

I can't believe the Colts and Broncos made the playoffs. I'm so fucking happy the Colts played as well as they did this season, any victory in the playoffs will be a total bonus. And the Broncos earning the #1 seed when NO ONE knew that Peyton would be able to play again, let alone be Peyton. Man, I'm just so happy. This was a good season. The Broncos are looking scary good right now too. It's fucking amazing how well-rounded the Broncos are to me. I'm just not used to watching a team Peyton plays for actually have a good defense, let alone special teams. I am so pumped for the playoffs!
Playoffs Prediction Time.

Wild Card Games

Bengals at Texans: Texans
Vikings at Packers: Packers
Colts at Ravens: Colts
Seahawks at Redskins: Redskins

Divisional Games

Colts at Broncos (why god?!): Broncos
Packers at 49ers: 49ers
Texans at Patriots: Texans
Redskins at Falcons: Falcons

Conference Championship Games

Texans at Broncos: Broncos
49ers at Falcons: Falcons

Super Bowl

Broncos and Falcons: Broncos. Suck it Brady.
How is coming third in your division somehow better than losing the division title in the last game of the season to two rookies and missing the playoffs completely considering coming in third in the division was a result of that? You make no sense my friend.

I think you need to reread stuff before you post it. :p This made no sense.

#1. The "two rookies" argument is ridiculous. Morris is running better than anyone in the league outside of AP. RGIII is having one of the best rookie QB campaigns ever. The Redskins boast the top running attack in the NFL. Dallas, due to missing half it's starters on defense, as well as some of the 2nd stringers, had the worst defense in the league from week 8-17.

#2. Division titles really don't mean shit. It's Super Bowls. Dallas was in no shape to make a run for the Lombardi trophy through teams like Seattle and Green Bay. Winning that game against the Redskins didn't help them towards a SB, and gains them nothing but most likely a loss the following week with a lower draft position as compensation.

I can't believe the Colts and Broncos made the playoffs. I'm so fucking happy the Colts played as well as they did this season, any victory in the playoffs will be a total bonus. And the Broncos earning the #1 seed when NO ONE knew that Peyton would be able to play again, let alone be Peyton. Man, I'm just so happy. This was a good season. The Broncos are looking scary good right now too. It's fucking amazing how well-rounded the Broncos are to me. I'm just not used to watching a team Peyton plays for actually have a good defense, let alone special teams. I am so pumped for the playoffs!

He isn't going to sign with the Broncos. They have nothing to offer him there.

Offensive line. Running Attack. Defense.

You were saying?

I don't know man, Denver's defense was shit for a really long time last season and then caught fire towards the end, only to be absolutely ass raped by Brady. That and their receivers are really inexperienced and borderline mediocre. Miami and Arizona are much better teams in my opinion.( :tickled: )

Called it.


I think a 2x 9-7 SB team = a pack of situational over-achievers. Can't count on that every year.

I think Eli is, statistically speaking, a 85ish QBR QB and will be this year. That's not bad, but it is a year over year regression. Just looking at his career work it makes sense. With a questionable Oline, lack of a running game, and questions on the Dline, I think the Giants are still in that 7-9/9-7 window. However, so are the other teams in the East, due to cannibalization as much as anything else.

I think we are going to see more of the Giants team that flopped against the Redskins than the team that dominated the Packers.

Called it. Giants: 9-7 and out of the playoffs. Eli managed to rip a pathetic Eagles team in the final game to pull out of 85 territory and finish at 87. Close enough.

I think the surprise of the year is going to be the Dallas D.

Yeah, everyone going on IR. :erk:
Please, stop it with the "called it" nonsense. You didn't call anything.

The Broncos defense was horrible early in the season. And the offense wasn't exactly running smoothly. I figured that's how the whole season would be, but luckily they finally got it together and became a great team. There was so much change going on with the organization that no one knew whether or not they'd be good. You got lucky with your prediction, good for you.

Also, the first quote of mine makes total sense. Division titles are automatic bids to make the playoffs, how is that meaningless? Regardless of whether or not you thought the Cowboys would advance in the playoffs at all, let alone make the Super Bowl, is irrelevant. The Cowboys need some fucking achievements to build upon for next year. Shitting the bed year in and out is why they are they way they are, a completely gutless team with horrible coaching and even worse ownership. They're a fucking joke man and will continue to be a dumpster fire.
Please, stop it with the "called it" nonsense. You didn't call anything.

The Broncos defense was horrible early in the season. And the offense wasn't exactly running smoothly. I figured that's how the whole season would be, but luckily they finally got it together and became a great team. There was so much change going on with the organization that no one knew whether or not they'd be good. You got lucky with your prediction, good for you.

Most teams aren't smooth in the first few weeks, especially with a new QB and offensive scheme. Other than that, what changed? I didn't get lucky. Denver looked solid and made the playoffs last year with a QB no one wants. Plug in Peyton Manning and voila.

Also, the first quote of mine makes total sense. Division titles are automatic bids to make the playoffs, how is that meaningless? Regardless of whether or not you thought the Cowboys would advance in the playoffs at all, let alone make the Super Bowl, is irrelevant. The Cowboys need some fucking achievements to build upon for next year. Shitting the bed year in and out is why they are they way they are, a completely gutless team with horrible coaching and even worse ownership. They're a fucking joke man and will continue to be a dumpster fire.

So losing is better than losing? That's what your quote said.

You can't build with meaningless achievements like Division Titles. You build with cap money and draft picks. Besides, even if they put together an amazing performance and won the last two games, went and won one playoff game, and then lost to a superior team like Green Bay (like what happened in 2009, thumping the Eagles twice and then getting wiped out by Jared Allen), the "shit the bed" rhetoric and "Romo can't get it done" rhetoric would continue anyway. Only the Cowboys have to win the SB every year to not be considered an abject failure. So I don't give a shit. They weren't winning the SB with that mutilated defense, banged up/underperforming offensive line, and banged up receivers. Better to get the draft position.